Tournament of the five Percent

Greetings, Citizen of Sinder. the League of Villain Will host a Tournament to find promising Fighter in this Realm. The Tournament begins Saturday, 12 AM GMT-4 in the Battleground of Sinder’s Forest and will last as long there are Fighter standing.

Tournament of the five Percent

Prizes: 1 place – right hand of Soven. Or one wish that he will have to fulfill.

             2 place – Have a right to ask any of the members to do anything the winner desires


Each pair performs a battle (non lethal) using dice system and rolling in wolfery. For better experience we can offer two ways to roll.

  • First is without using any stats, just doing pure rolls and typing the answers depending on who got the higher score. It is good for those who doesn’t have prepared stat system.

  • Second way is to use DnD stat system and perform rolls with adding stat numbers to your roll. Then, once both opponents see if the damage will be dealt or not, a dice for attack must be rolled. To create your stats, you need to roll 6d20 and put results to STR, DEX, CONST, INT, WIS and CHAR. You also will need HP which will be given to you so both opponents can track how the battle goes.

Then you will have to work on the abilities your char can have. Too overpowered abilities are forbidden or should be discussed with organizers. Each ability should contain description of what it does, dice used to attack and saving throw.

How’s the tournament performed:

All pairs, one by one, performs a duel, watched by one of the guild members. The winner is allowed to go further and meet with another winner from another pair. Then the last competitor gets the right to meet with Soven or with the one whom he thinks is worthy, for a final battle. Killing opponents is normally forbidden (can be discussed OOC).

  • Every Player gets 100 HP in the beginning of the fight.

(Approach the league members to participate)

I wil enjoy to see you all squirm

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So… can I convince the other combatant to lose if I have 20 CHA? Because otherwise I don’t quite see what’s the point of the D&D stats in there: they are used for very specific reasons and the background on how the die work was tested for many years now.

Mmmm… I was wondering when this was gonna happen :