In the whois
and profile picture thumbnails, it would be nice if we could click them to see the character’s full-sized picture.
I’d like to be able to click it to get the full ‘about character’ section like when you click in the user list with whois
I second these, no reason the window is hiding info for people you click on the awake list and such too.
I must admit, I’ve actually put in some effort to make it impossible to get someone’s profile image without being in the same room.
You can also notice this if you:
- Look at someone in the room
- Go to another room
- That someone changes their profile
- You go back to the room
In these steps, you will not see the profile updates made in step 3 before doing step 4. Until then, you will only see a “memory” of what that character looked like last time you saw them.
Why? That is hardly convenient, now is it?
But I like it . It gives you a sense that you must meet someone to know what they look like.
So, I think I will keep it.
About info images
However, I think we can solve this need by allowing better support for linking images in the About section, so that those who wish to show their full sized picture for everyone (and not only the room) can easily do so.
Clickable Whois info
Oh, you mean that the Who is info in itself is clickable, and opens up the same dialog you get when clicking in the Awake list? That should be easy to add, and would be nice.
Yes I agree, no steal my nudies while not in room with me! Clickable who is would make the feature more usable. Lot of people put out pertinent info in them about sections
Hadn’t thought about that!
The clickable Whois was implemented in Release v1.44.0