Hi folks,
This isn’t really a bug report or feature request as much as a look at one particular Wolfery feature, imagining some possible ways it might go awry with a larger player population, and then thinking about mitigation. I don’t necessarily recommend any action be taken right away; I mostly just want to share a bit of my thinking now, ahead of these problems possibly appearing later.
The feature in question is the content of the Awake list in the Realm panel. I see it as something like a combination of WHO
, wf
, and ws
in a traditional furry MU*, with some extra bits that the web UI makes possible, like mini-pfps and filtering. It looks great, and works real well!
And here are three ways I can see it working less well, as Wolfery grows:
Scaling: In this good-problem-to-have scenario, Wolfery just keeps getting more popular. Eventually this list has hundreds of character rows during peak times, all arranged in a single-file stack. This is the least problematic of the modes I list here; at worst, the presentation of a super-long active-player list contributes to new players feeling overwhelmed upon their first explore to Wolfery’s UI.
Lazy solicitation: Pests can filter on a tag or feature they like—including just “female”, e.g.—and serially DM everyone who lights up, even if their characters have never met “in person”, and have no IC reason to communicate. This, again, can include newcomers still getting their bearings.
(To the best of my knowledge, this hasn’t happened to me. However, my one character presents as a mundane and middle-aged straight male in his profile text and tags, so I have awareness that he’s probably a less-likely target for it.)
Unwanted content: You’ll still see passive examples of extreme role-play, including sexualized minors, even if your characters stick only to areas that disallow this behavior. While you won’t see these characters’ descriptions, you still see everything else: pfp, current activity, tags (if you click), and so on.
My concern here is a future where—in the manner of certain other furry role-play spaces—the “cub” population becomes fairly significant, enough to look quite prominent in the Awake list at a glance, and making many newcomers feel like this space isn’t to their taste.
And here is my admittedly radical, thought-experiment proposal for getting ahead of these issues: Remove the current Awake list, and replace it with one that shows only the following characters:
- Everyone on your watch-list who is awake. (Just like it works now.)
- Everyone not on your watch-list whom you have met in the past seven days.
We define a character as “met” if you’ve been in the same room with them—even for just a moment—or if either of you have sent the other a DM.
And that’s it! The idea is that the second part of that list works kind of like your character’s “memory” of an interesting critter they saw in passing or interacted with a bit. You can “consider it further” by clicking the panel and seeing all the same stuff there as now (About-text, tags, and portrait), and you get an opportunity to watch or DM them if you wish.
So, how can you browse the profile or even see the name of a character you haven’t “met” recently?
Well… under this proposal, you can’t! Either you meet them “in person” via chance encounter, or you get introduced by a third party, in an arranged meeting or through DMs. Otherwise, the character is unknown to you—literally! That’s keeping it (minimally) IC, baby!
I also like the tacit encouragement that if you want more folks in your Realm panel, you gotta put at least a minimum effort into going outside… even if it’s only hanging in the park.
I can think of ways that a dedicated griefer could “defeat” this proposed solution, if they wanted to. (Run around the whole map at top speed once per week, “meeting” everyone!) I don’t suggest that this change would obviate the ongoing need for continued, active moderation. I do think it might mitigate some growing pains that possibly lie in Wolfery’s future, as the space catches on with more folks.
That’s my thinking! Thank you for reading all this.