Theatre of Sidner

I would like to be able to construct a theatre in Sidner to solve a problem of there not being an area to be able to make performances. There are a few small areas where it can work, but having a dedicated area with tools that would allow players to be able to organize and set up performances should they have the desire to do so.

As such I have selected two areas that I feel would be suitable outlined with a grey circle in the map sketch below to place a set of 3 rooms styalized in a similar way to a greek theatre, made up of a noticeboard with a community calander to add events to, a stage area where people can watch and perform, and a “skene” which is basically a green room which would allow people to prepare for a performance before heading back to the stage area.

The room ID is #cb3fskm9gbrmb43notp0

I would prefer the location at West Sidner lane, due to it getting more traffic and then being able to have exits north and south to the lane and beach respectively. However if there isn’t room the location north of the lighthouse would also be suitable. Would love to get someone to proof read and trim off some of the fat on descriptions. Sorry for the formal talk, forms tend to bring out the robotic side of me ahaha.

Edit: Fixed Sidnar => Sidner


Oooh, I like this idea!~ It would possibly give people, like me, a chance to give people a bit of a show if you know what I mean~ but yeah, now I want this to be built, it sounds like a good idea.


Anyone willing to give me an idea on whether this is something they would like to see in town? Otherwise I may ask for it to be placed in with the rest of the fox burrows.