The Forest [Roleplay, Player Housing]

The Forest looms deep and lush, just one West of Town Center and North past the Blackhoof Stables. From sparse woodland cabins and modern campgrounds to deep, mysterious woods cloaked in shadow, the Forest offers a variety of natural, mystical, magical and even subterranean environments.

The Forest connects to Blackhoof Stables, the Mountains and the Wilderness.

Roleplay is welcome in the Forest and unless otherwise specified, Town of Sinder rules apply. Specifically, play identified in Town of Sinder as “extreme” is allowed in clearly-designated rooms or attached areas but a content warning prior to entry is required.

Following the Charred Path from the main Forest teleport will take you to a combat-themed Battlegrounds area. There is also a Pokémon Center and battle arena.

Player housing is welcome and encouraged in the Forest. The Dark Forest extends deep and far, offering plenty of hidden paths and trails. As travel is not visible in the Dark, hidden exits are permitted here with only light requirements. Please ensure that back is used as a return path toward the entrance room and out is also used for indoor rooms with only one visible exit. Proofread Areas and rooms as applicable for English spelling and grammar. If your connected space is not exclusively for private use, please also be sure to create an Area for all rooms and include area rules to set content expectations. No rooms directly-linked to the Forest should contain or allow “extreme” content as per Town of Sinder rules and a content warning must be present. This is recommended for private-use spaces also, but is not required.

For visible, publicly-linked spaces, all rooms must be part of an Area with any addendum to the Forest area rules made clear. A request to set the Forest as Parent should be submitted with the exit request. Aforementioned adoption of Town of Sinder rules and content warning requirements apply. Please be sure to notify me with your request if your Area will include or permit such content, as well as a description of the intended design, purpose and goals of the area. Please note that exits must be thematically appropriate, logical to the area map space where they are described to exist and an Area Map with room positions is encouraged.

To request a private or public link, please include the above information in a reply to this post. Please also submit a request exit and request area parent and mail Raeth Fennec= with the room ID that will connect to the Forest.

If you need any help learning to build or use the necessary commands, you can now go academy from the Dark Forest for detailed help!

Rather simply it’s a home out in the forest that Mono lives in and uses to host fun events. The idea is to have a nice place out in the woods to relax and have fun. Whether it be a pool party or a movie showing it is meant to be a place of fun and that includes the kinds not allowed in many other places. Now be aware that even if the area rules allow certain things you might be seen by someone who isn’t a fan of said actions IC and that might cause trouble for you IC.

Is this adequate or do I need more?

Heya, thanks! Since we got everything sorted out in-game, you’re all set and linked up!

Thanks for the help.

A new path has been carved in the forest
 the smoldering Charred Path leading to the scarred landscape of the Battlegrounds! This is an extreme content area intended for combat. There is also a Pokémon Center and battle arena for our Pokéfur friends. n_n Accessible directly from the Forest Path teleport, the Battlegrounds are a perfect place to take your Sinder-disallowed quarrel!

Please remember to always follow the Be nice and Be respectful realm rules. As a general rule, it’s best to stick to describing your character’s attempts/effort but not their results. OOC requests to stop or disengage must be respected. Thanks for helping keep Wolfery awesome!

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I could see the pokemon battles being so fun! Lots of creativity and modes of battling for our pokefriends like pokemon showdown or playing it out like an episode of the anime!!!

I made a clearing for my character, where’s a good place to link it to ?
it’s surronded by redwood trees and covers many acres so I can play around in it & not feel cramped :wink:

Heya! A Hidden entrance is always available via the Dark Forest, and you can use the space pretty much as you please. If you’d like a publicly-linked home, there is a slightly higher bar for quality and space is not available everywhere to prevent rooms becoming overcrowded. Either way, just let me know what you’re looking for in-game via mail (mail Raeth Fennec=“etc.”), and please include the #RoomID you would like connected, as well as one or two ~unique~ travel terms. (E.g. if you want ‘go Funrir’ the term would be ‘Funrir’.) Welcome to the Forest in advance!

Hi, I’m hoping to add a yurt to the campground. If that’s not doable, I’d like to add it in the Dark Forest. It’s mostly a personal yurt, where his loved ones/family can gather, but he can also entertain guests. I hope it would fit in well with the campground area.

Mostly, play there should be well within the rules of Sinder, but some kinky stuff like bondage and light ageplay might happen in the yurt, so a content warning is on the porch and the area rules are amended.

Let me know if I need to improve anything or if you need any further information from me. I’ll also submit the exit request, area parent request, and mail as required. Looking forward to having a home base in the Forest!

Heya, that sounds awesome! If you’re interested in having it be publicly-accessible, go ahead and build your dream yurt. n_n Be sure it has an Area with About and Rules, exit descriptions, spell and grammar check what you write, etc. Whenever you’re happy with it, shoot me a Mail in-game (mail Raeth Fennec=) and include the #RoomID for the entrance room. I’ll review it generally within a week and get with you on any changes needed.

If you’d prefer it to be via the Dark Forest with a hidden entrance only for those who know the keyword to travel there, just send me the #RoomID in a mail, along with 1-3 unique keywords for entry, as non-obvious as you choose for them to be, and I’ll link it right up when I’m available.