The farewell message letter to all players on Wolfery

Here is the leave-taking message that I finished, although it contains several English common mistakes, this message was written from the bottom of my heart and my mind before I left Wolfery.
Dear all players who are still active, or have rarely been playing on Wolfery. I want to write this message to appreciate all of your interests and different ways to approach when comes to Role-playing. First of all, I, Daniel Williams, a male (wing) dragon, has been active on Wolfery for nearly a month, from the 6th or 7th of December, 2023 to this day 2nd or 3rd January, 2024. Sadly, I have to announce that I won’t be active on Wolfery anymore. The reason for this sudden departure, this year 2024, unfortunately, is going to be a challenging year for me IRL. I have to deal with several challenges, with lots of work going to put pressure on me out of a sudden on this new year. Despite of willingness to stay on Wolfery more and more in the future, I have to put those IRL important kinds of stuff on top of my priority. If in the possible case, I would come back to Wolfery and have a fun RP, maybe ERP too, but no sex, just touching and teasing, with my friends and other players that I used to chat with in both IC and OOC. But that situation I don’t know If I can return to this page in the future, I have to admit.
And I move to those main parts, the reason I chose Wolfery to be a place for fantasy and adventure.
First, each of the players has a unique and different profile page, along with their charm, they altogether build, create, protect, and keep this friendly, magical, and colorful world or maybe universe on Wolfery.
Second, when having a chat on this place in both IC and OOC, brings me different points of view which I hardly, or never seen in real life. What I want to say clearly more is there isn’t any discrimination, toxic conversation, or hot debate that relates to politics, religion, and more. For me, Wolfery is a social page, but it has a solid place to stand out from the crowd, different from Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, etc,
Third, I want to send this list of several colorful but unique characters, some of them said greetings like “Hello, Hi”, or posed some actions to attract my attention, and some had a chat in OOC with me first, although in a short time or a long time, some performed in “One-liners” type which made me not interested in playing with them, but maybe those were priceless experiences for me to learn about RP, some had RP, or ERP fun time with me, some taught me several helpful but unforgettable guides and tips for RP, some accidental I met them and wanted to have a chat in OOC fist but sometimes they had already characters to RP at firsthand. Here is the list that I had already written down on the notebook which was placed on my computer table from the first time my drake woke up at the Sinder Station. Despite nationality and gender, everyone still expresses their own charm on this Wolfery RP page. Thanks for all your special personality to this universal fiction!
(Otim the dragon priest, Onyx the stag/ reindeer, Saarthiis the naga, Obsiden the
dark sabertooth, Jayce the dragon, Drago the cyan dragon, Raewulf the Earth
dragon, Mist the Azure dragon, ThunderCloud the feline, Shinyuu the reverse
werewolf, Fain’ rar the feral dire wolf, Dane the werewolf, Coal the dergal, Argo
the demonic dragon, Warren the shark, Blackout the shadow demon, Greyson the
sylveon, Soven the Arctic wolf, Vernon the otter, Jasper the Australian Shepherd,
Nerissa the shark-maid, Pepper the synth, Calixto the cobra, Perdym the Brine
dragon, Raze the wolf, Siera the mouse, Jason the human, Jasper the iguana,
Edelweiss the jackal, Damon the black panther, Aimee the mountain lion, Matilda
the kangaroo, Sheev the naga, Natalie the corn snake, Drayke the crystal drake,
Alexander the dragon, Marco the puma, Gary the bear, Matthias the deer, Tyson
the tiger shark, Anna the shapeshifter, M’Kael the Varlaf, Fragment the Dark Beast
the Darkwolf/ Mightyena, Matthias the Deer, Guana the Yautja, Blue Moon the
wolf, Henry the bunny, Carmen the otter, Maxwell the kitsune, Zentheal the
kitsune, Kairos the human, Lights the opossum, Dar the Shifter the hyena,
Anastasia the Displacer, Keith the german shepherd, Shane the black cattle, Barry
the ScorBunny, Asgar the wolf, Aiden the dragon, Seby the skullwolf, Lidervon
the Eldarin elf, Alexander the fox, Amber the feline, Finnley the otter, Khane the
gryphon, Jane the ferret, Blackstrap the Eastern kobold, Belinda the sky dragon,
Amrita the red panda, Gardien of the Abyss the Abyssal dragon, Geck the kobold,
Asha the bunny, Cade the domestic cat, Vix the dragon/ snake, Aemilia the red
fox, Lyra the Lagiacrus, Jescan the shark (synth), Crystal the zebra, Rachel the
Halawan/ Marble fox, Bosco the Feral cat/ dragon hybrid, Wyll the lynx, Oisin the
Highland bull, Siny the blue fennec, Isiat the arvian, Denna the Domestic cat, RedMoon the cougar, Chiaroscuro the mongoose, Matthew the Quadrupedal fox,
Elissa the Scottish fox, Turuya the panda, Zerion the fox, Oscar the horse, Keet the
red fox, Brandon the horse, Maximus the timberwolf, Riley the kangaroo,
Kassandra the raptor, River the dragon and several characters and players that I
couldn’t remember their names or type of species.)
Last but not least, to be honest, I don’t want to say goodbye to this page in the madness world IRL, for me I feel like I found a hidden gem inside the garbage of notorious and full of hate, violence, and negative things on other infamous social pages. In addition, Wolfery is optimistic, friendly, and full of the adventurous spirit of an explorer who is willing to search and accept every other aspect of different cultures. Like truly a warrior, healer, protector, and more from the ancient, medieval, modern, and post-modern universes.
In the end, I hope Wolfery will, maybe arise from the darkness of the corrupted world and bring light to heal and protect this wonderful universe in the future.
Wishing all players and characters the best wishes in all aspects, from great fortune, helping hands, prosperity, and many more for this new year 2024. Happy New Year 2024!
Signed Daniel Williams


This warms my heart I got a thanks. I pray and hope to see you in the future some day.