The College

So I have an idea for a fun roleplaying area. I’m still thinking of a name, but for let’s just call it “The College” there will be classes, but the main attraction of the area is the sororities/fraternities. It will include pledging and other fun(mainly pledging). The pledging could might be very rough for some(and no, it’s not hazing, as there will be a basic: ‘here is what to expect for pledges’ in the front room. I have a basic idea for what a sorority/fraternity house floor plan would look like. If anyone want to see it, just say so in this topic.


I believe there’s already a college-like building set up.

Am stoopi, the “college” I’m thinking of is just an area to learn the basics of wolfery, lel.

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Oh, can you tell me what’s it call so I can see it?

I guess that’s the teleport academy one?

That to me felt more like a guide zone for lore and helping newbies with learning how to not getting reported and stuff, if you know what i mean.

So….I made design for what I thought the sorority/fraternity house could look like if this gets made, here it is:

please, if you have and suggestions/ tweaks, give them, I want this to (hopefully) be a public area eventually!

hence why I edited my message to fix what I said lol

I didn’t see that, I’m hoping to make it a fully public zone (eventually) so any suggestions of what I should include(sorority/fraternity house, class, clubs and other stuff?)?

I meant the thing about suggestions for everyone, so any ideas? (Please say if you do)

As some suggestions:
One bathroom is all you need, really. Very few areas in Wolfery operate with more than one bathroom; those that do tend to have male/female bathrooms-- but they tend to be so minimally utilized, it’s not worth the effort for more than one.
I’d eliminate closets as well; they can easily be described as existing from another room but few people will want to enter one, unless you have particular planned RP.
The Stairs don’t need to be a separate room; they can just be described in the hallway rooms of the first and second floor.

Thanks for the suggestions! make sense, as for the hallway, I was planning on that anyway.