Yep, you heard it right! The second-to-last edition of this year has been released! It’s been quite a wild ride so far, huh? Instead of Reminiscing, how about we talk about what’s in the paper?
Not so much this time, honestly, but this is what we’ve got.
A new Sinder Spotlight, this time on the foreboding city of Seziban.
A new bit of comic art!
And a thankful message from the Editor-In-Chief.
I will admit, I did miss a few bits of news this month, particularly the bit about the meteor hitting the alley of Sinder’s Foxhole, but I do hope you enjoy the article nonetheless. Thank you for reading!
It’s been a privilege to add a little art to the publication for the last several months! I’ve got some ideas slowly cooking in the background for the future, and hope folks enjoy 'em.
Congrats on taking the Chronicle so far, and thanks for the work put into each and every one of them - they’re always a joy to read through!
If anyone has anything they would like to be written about in the Sinder Chronicle please feel free to mail/message Kali Cordelia, the message can be IC or OOC!
I am running out of news to write myself xD Especially since I am not running around Sinder as much.