[Suggestion] Reply to OOC with OOC

When selecting the reply button on a message, the console is autofilled with message Player Name = when the message is either IC or OOC, it would be ideal if the console would autofill with message Player Name => in the case of replying to OOC messages.

The motivation for this request is definitely my own laziness, but I think it might be a reasonable QoL feature - I can’t see any reason why you would want to reply to an OOC message in-character and it would save having to type the > manually, or forgetting it and giving an IC response to an OOC message.


Good idea! It would definitely make typing messages way easier for all of us lazy furs here.
Full support :smiley:

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Agree with you, Alyx!

Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll add it to my “todos” :slight_smile:

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