I know I have been quite annoying recently with posts here on the forum, but I wanted to suggest this since AGES.
The thing I’d like to suggest is the number of words visible somewhere in the bio of rooms or characters. Why? Sometimes I find myself particularly inspired, and I tend to write a lot.
The problem is that when I save what I wrote, sometimes, it just vanishes because I broke the number of words/characters available without knowing. So a chunk of information vanished in the Rift and when it happens my motivation to write poofs.
While on poses you can see when you’ve broken the limit, on the about/desc of a character (or a room), you can’t! So it would be nice to know when am I about do destroy the word limit, maybe an indicator of the words (like on discord) that shows up when you’re close to break the limit and slowly goes down to zero, or maybe even just the number costantly showing up and decreasing to zero so you know when to stop.
I believe to be the only one that would like this to be a thing but…yeah.
(If this is a duplicated thread I am sorry, but I couldn’t find a post like this anywhere!)
Yes. And very much yes.
This is something that needs to be fixed. It may even be considered close to a bug.
I sort of like how Discord does it; it doesn’t show you any count until you only have 200 characters left, and then it counts down towards 0.
Maybe something like that?
I like the Discord method even if it gives me anxiety, since it does a countown until you reach 0 letters/words remaining. BUT at least it warns you before you can write paragraphs and lose them after.
Actually, you aren’t the only one who would like this. Though, I’ve seen a number of different methods. One of my favorites, simply because it lets me tailor specifically what I type, is that it has a counter visible whenever you’re typing, such as 23/100 or others. The messaging system for Xbox uses this to tell you how many characters are in your message at the time, so you can pick and choose what to write. Whatever way it’s done, it sounds like a wonderful idea. I know for a fact that if it were used for chat in general, and not just for the bios and abouts, I would be using it to type poses up to the character limit more often. Mostly because I can’t immediately tell how much I have, and I’m not fast enough to count everything up.
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