I only use one device too play on wolfery, and sometimes when I close my laptop my charctrs will go too sleep like normal but sometimes they will stay up for hours or even over night the msot extreme case was one of my Ocs staying awake for four days straight
There are times that your connection will remain, even when very idle! We do not have a ‘cap’ on connection time.
Well, we do require that some device/client sends a ping atleast once every hour, or else the character will be put to sleep.
If your character remained awake longer than 1 hour, it means that some browser session was still active somewhere, or that we’ve got a new bug!
It could be a Windows Modern Standby issue. If the computer is in an internet connected sleep mode, the connection could stay alive due to that, as if it were open and simply idle.
Unfortunately modern standby isn’t something that users have much control over, and relates to issues with motherboard firmware and sleep states.
Just being connected is not enough. In order to be kept awake, a script must send a ping for each character at least every hour.
Ill test, ill completly shut down and turn off internet
My computer was turned on but on a locked screen.
After four hours she went asleep, i think its a bug
Yes, if you don’t run Wolfery on any other device, then it is surely a bug! I will try to replicate it myself.
I tried to replicate it on Wolfery.com as well, but my character promptly fell asleep after 1 hour as intended. So, I will need more reports from other users to get a better idea what might cause it.