After months of observing strange occurrences, of a ruined futuristic megacity appearing shamble by shamble above the massive rift lake in the far east, the tremors finally ceased a month ago.
My team and I, Evamal ‚Rustfeet Schetl, underwent the brave first expedition in the city of Seziban at the first notice of our scanners showed us the decisive end of the rift-induced quake. We secured various areas being settled around the last working stations of the monorail, which we were able to mostly repair.
We have reclaimed the following:
The Spaceport: Gets currently equipped to allow launches in the orbit or park spacecrafts.
The Techvalley: We were able to reinstate the electric net partially, allowing people to erect facilities and laboratories in the Tech Belt.
The Plaza of Goods: A market area for all your tomb raiding and adventure cravings.
Scour through Seziban and sell/trade your findings.The titanium Skyscraper: Set in the centre of Seziban the massive skyscraper watches over the consumed city. The structure is not at risk of crumbling and has many currently empty floors to settle down in or create a basis of operation.
We have laid down new tracks to allow the Grey Line to connect the Gate Station to the Sinder net. This will remain for now the only way to enter this, not by a longshot reclaimed, ancient megacity.
Speaking of ‘not reclaimed’: A majority of Seziban has still not been made habitable yet.
Derive from the set paths to ✣ and one might stumble across junk, riches or tragic fates … and much, MUCH debris!
TO ADVENTURE! Long live the progress!
OOC note: To create buildings for the reclaimed rooms and dungeons for the ✣ rooms mention @Soulwing in your forum proposals. Ingame will 'Evamal ‚Rustfeet’ Schetl' act as your contact person. Further information about the setting and rules in the area about and area rules.