Room Scripting for Room Weather Changes

I suck at forums but!

Can this Room scripting be used to automate a room or rooms to change between room profiles?

I’m working on potentially creating a tropical beach area but want to add weather. The idea being that, if possible, I beg or hire someone to write a little script that would at certain time intervals roll a weighted die or select from a list of the rooms profiles that would describe the room under various either weather affects or maybe even times of day.

That, and potentially announce the change via maybe a spoof message.

For example. The script would primarily be weighted for sunny weather but had a chance for a storm, light rain, fog and if it lands on one of those it changes the room, leaves it till the next check but potentially extends the duration one tick more pre swaps to sunny or even a “Post rain” profile for one tick, move to sunny, and then begin the chances again.

Not sure how much people would buy into it but a bit of volatility could help shake up rooms and change what activities folks would be doing in certain rooms or give them details to change in there RP and general interactions.

Long story short, would it be possible to script something that automated room profiles?


This should be very doable already, in fact there’s an example in the mucklet-script repo:


Oh hell yeah. I will have to have to see about hunting down help to tailor and implement something like this.


Something as simple as modifying this is a great opportunity to start to learn scripting. :slight_smile:

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It’s a good idea to make that more involved. I’m working on a ‘noises’ implementation, both for the Academy and a personal area I’m importing from SpinDizzy that used it extensively. The standard library and language features are a little limited, but that’s to be expected for a relatively new low-level language, and it’s better than trying to work with stack-based MUF.


I’ve been working on making this script and got as far as a state machine for weather. I’m not sure if it’s possible to sync the state of multiple rooms though just from the room scripts repo. I was thinking of making a second script that listens to describe messages from a ‘parent’ room but I saw that it has a required character field. Since I’m not able to test this myself, does anyone know if it’s actually possible to listen to describe messages from a room script?

What you probably want to do is to have a control room with a script that changes the weather based on timer or commands and sends the notifications to all the per-room scripts for them to change the room profiles

Yeah, my current script changes the room’s profile using delayed messages. Is it possible to send messages and commands to other rooms?

Sure. mucklet-script/examples/intercom_inside.ts at master · mucklet/mucklet-script · GitHub

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