Would it make sense to add the same filtering functionality to characters in the room as there is for characters online?
I second this, it’d be handy.
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Yes, I can totally see this being useful.
But the right-side Room panel is already quite cluttered with room image, Description, Exits, and In room list.
- Maybe the Filter input field should be hidden by default, but you can toggle it by clicking a filter-icon next to the icon that displays the full panel In room -list view?
- Or maybe it should only be available when viewing the In room-list in full panel view?
- Perhaps both?
I like the idea of a filter button next to the full panel in-room, but also agree wedging the search pane in would crowd it even more. Maybe make the filter field appear in full panel view, and change the icon to have both the arrows and that fairly-standard filter icon?
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