Resto De Carnegiea. A Western/Mexican style Motel/resort. (Redux)

Hello Folks, I built a place, Its a desert themed Resort. I put a load of work into It, Its beautiful. It has rooms for people to sleep. Food for people to eat. Baths for people to bathe. Exotic dancers to tittilate people. Tequila for people to drink. A open fire pit for people to talk about the good ol days. It has everything you want from a place like this except one thing. It doesnt have anywhere to go. I would love to show this to people cause I think it would be a great addition to the world, I put a lot of love, sweat and tears into it so im just looking for some suggestions of where it could go and who I should speak to.

ID for area entrance is #ccmef3u9gbrk70sbfv80

Much love xoxo

  • A dendrophile

Hey there, sounds cool! I think a good spot would be on the desert road on the way to Do’Nezo.
I’d love to just see it personally when I’m online.

As for placing it, this is the best way I know of to have someone to speak to. Builders watch this forum to help people with their areas, so if you list a room ID, that seems to help them take a look even when you’re offline.

Disclaimer being that I am not one of those people, and don’t want to make promises/put words in their mouths.

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