Reporting someone who has been deleted

Someone has been trying to get me to ‘spend time’ with them for over a week until I said okay… Over a miscommunication they got upset and started to harass me. Then they wound up deleting the character. And then harassed me from another character before deleting that one as well.

Hopefully that’s the end of it, they got the last word in, I guess? Good for them… But if it’s not the end if It I’d like this on the records, but I cannot report either character because they deleted them before I could. The report command throws an error if no character exists.

This feels exploitable. Characters can be made and deleted instantly.

To clarify your request for assistance, you are typing the report command and not filing a report from the chat log window, correct? If the former and not the later, you could get different results by using the log to report their behavior. I expect the two methods work differently, but a moderator would have more knowledge on the subject.

Vernon, your suggestion of clicking “Report” in the menu of the logged message, is a good one.

… unfortunately it doesn’t work either!

So, it is currently exploitable. But I will make a fix to allow you to report through logged messages:

Thanks for making me aware, @Aoineko13 !


No, Thank you for making a wonderful world and for finding a solution. And thank you too, Vern.