Private locations
If you own an area, its rooms and sub-areas can now be set as private
. Example:
set room private = yes
This will prevent the location to show up in the Locations list in the Area panel. If you are inside the room/area, it will still show, but slightly dimmed:
The Area panel’s new Population counter will show how many are in public locations (“7”) and how many are hidden in private locations ("+2").
Other improvements
Settings restructuring
The client’s player settings structure has been updated. This will in the future allow for custom client modules to add their own settings to the player’s Settings page.
Admin command to change usernames
Admins now has a command to change player’s login names.
Bug fixes
Room Exits lists fixed
A bug caused the Exits list not to update when the first exit was created for a new room. This has been solved.
Store logs between sessions turns itself off
The update should solve a bug causing the Store logs between sessions setting to occasionally get turned off . See this topic.