Release v1.55.2 - Stability

This release mainly tries to address the issue of occasional Not found errors, and other similar disruptions. Nothing new is introduced - but what we already had got a bit more stable.


Export formatText through module

The formatText utils functions are now available through a module, FormatText, which allows addons to access text formatting.

let mod = app.getModule('formatText');

// Prints 'Hello, <strong>Wolfery</strong>!'
console.log(mod.formatText('Hello, **Wolfery**!')); 

// Renders a formatted text (with support for sections) at the top-left corner
mod.newFormatTxt('Hello, **Wolfery**!', { attributes: {
    style: 'position:absolute;top:0;left:0;z-index:100'
} }).render(document.body);

This was requested by @farcaller. Have fun with it :grin:.

GitHub issue #193 - Export formatText through module


Resource subscription with getUser not unsubscribed
When calling a method that returned a resource reference, the resource would not be unsubscribed even if there were no listeners. This has been fixed in the ResClient library and included in the client.

Small message buffer causing messages to be dropped
Internal messages (as in NATS server messages, not the message game command) sent from the API gateway to the services where sometimes dropped because of a buffer filling up, resulting in Not found errors on the client. The buffer has now been resized to handle 8192 messages instead of 256.

Prevent subscribe retry spamming
Some bugs may have caused the client to continue to listen to resources that were no longer available. When this happened, the client would try to resubscribe to those resources. If the subscribe attempt returned an error (usually Access denied), the client would continue to retry to subscribe every 2 seconds, causing a lot of spamming towards the server which occasionally caused the previously mentioned message buffer to fill up.
This has been fixed by preventing the client to make any further retries on a failed resubscription attempt.
GitHub issue #189 - Prevent subscribe retry spamming

RoomPages not removing ctrl listener
When the last controlled character was put to sleep, the RoomPages module would not remove the listener for the controlled character resource. This has been fixed.
GitHub issue #187 - RoomPages not removing ctrl listener

Not found error on email verification
When changing your email address, or trying to get a new verification email by clicking Send new verification, an “Not found” toaster error showed up. This has been fixed.

Edit notes on character leaving the room causes resubscribe
When starting to edit notes on another character in the current room, and that character then leaves, the DialogEditNotes module would cause the the Api module to try to resubscribe the character resource without success. This has been fixed.
GitHub issue #190 - Edit notes on character leaving the room causes resubscribe