Release v1.5.0 - About info and subsections


About info

A new character field, About, lets you set information about the character, such as background story or player preferences. It differs from Description with the following:

  • not stored in character profiles
  • (eventually) accessible by anyone at any time; not just when being looked at
  • is intially collapsed in the Character Info panel

To set it from the console, see: help set char

Description subsections

Description , and About texts may now be formatted with collapsible subsections.

[[Section title]] alone on a line will create a new section with the content below.
[[Limited section]] { ... } will create a limited section containing the rows enclosed within the {curly brackets}.

So, if you add the following to a room description:

It is a worn down wooden chest.

will look like this (but initially collapsed):


See this topic


Named links
We can now format links with nice names instead of ugly URLs, using Markdown style syntax.

ooc Check out [this image](

results in

Bug fixes

Pinging stopped after failure
Fixed a bug that stopped the client’s pinging of characters after a failed attempt. This could cause some poorly timed characters (Sorry @maximus) to fall asleep after a temporary server restart/update.