Release v1.49.0 - Multi-target communication


Target multiple characters

It is now possible to target multiple characters using address, whisper, and message, with a maximum of 5 target characters.

This is done by separating the names with commas:

whisper John, Jane, Janet = Hi, guys.

When you receive a multi-target message, the name displayed in the label is the name of your character, with the addition of +X more :

Hovering over the message, or tapping it on mobile, will show all receivers:

How does this affect Bot scripts? (nerdy techy info)

For affected event objects, any additional target is listed in an array under the new event property, targets:

  "id": "cj50v2cks8o5s6152rag",
  "type": "whisper",
  "time": 1690963849896,
  "char": {
    "id": "c0n144ot874c2tqpubpg",
    "name": "Accipiter",
    "surname": "Nisus"
  "target": { "id": "ccd5n7e9gbrk70rvj390", "name": "John", "surname": "Doe" },
  "targets": [
    { "id": "ccrla5u9gbrk70siu8bg", "name": "Jane", "surname": "Doe" },
    { "id": "cj4v9scks8o5s6152r6g", "name": "Janet", "surname": "Doe" }
  "msg": "Hi, guys.",
  "sig": "Mff38G4KzqEHhO4g"

The target property will eventually be deprecated, but is currently still in use for backwards compatibility. Once deprecated, the target property will be omitted and the character included as the first target in the targets array, even if only a single character is targeted.
Scripts should be updated to handle all scenarios where the event:

  • only has a target property (legacy behavior)
  • has both target and targets properties (intermediate behavior)
  • only has a targets property (future behavior)

Thanks to @Tlancaalek for first (?) suggesting it in 2021 in this topic, and to @Dragonwolf for bumping the need for this feature in this topic.

GitHub issue #107 - Multiple targets

Reply menu option

When receiving an address, whisper, or message, the event menu may now contain two new options, Reply and Reply all (only for multi-target messages):


Open the event menu by clicking on the menu icon (⋮) that appears to the right of the message when hovering over it or tapping it on mobile.

Fills the command console with a reply command to the sender only.

Reply all
Fills the command console with a reply command to the sender and all other receivers.

GitHub issue #109 - Reply menu option

Get command

A new command has been added to show additional info about your character:

Command Description
get id ID of your character.
get created Creation date of your character.

For more info, type: help get

GitHub issue #111 - Get command


Communication examples

Due to the new multi-target feature, the help texts for targeted communication commands have been updated, and examples have been added. For more info, see:

help address
help whisper
help message

Improved tab completion

The tab completion has been improved to allow matching against words/names that contains diacritics and other marks.

Typing ra + Tab will match against words like Rat, Räv, Rådjur, etc.

Keyword charset standardization

Keywords used for exits, profiles, and similar, have been standardized regarding allowed characters. The allowed characters are:

  • Letters (unicode category L)
  • Numbers (unicode category N)
  • Ascii space
  • Apostrophe (')
  • Hyphen/minus (-)

Other rules are:

  • Diacritics are allowed as long as they can be combined into an existing unicode letter using NFC normalization.
  • Leading and trailing spaces are removed.
  • Multiple consecutive spaces are collapsed into a single space.


Old keywords containing characters no longer allowed (such as emojis or other symbols) has not been updated in this release.

Tag charset standardization

Tag names have also been standardized in a similar way as keywords, with the following differences:

  • Tag names may contain symbols (unicode category S)
  • Tag names may contain the following characters: &%!?~+-*/\"#().
  • Tag names may not begin with the following characters: &%!?~+-*/

Improved password forms

The input forms when registering, logging in, or changing your account password, have been updated according to Chrome’s recommendations to make it easier for browsers and password managers to handle auto-completion of credentials.

GitHub issue #103 - Improve password forms

Console character tab ID

The character ID (not name) is now exposed as a data attribute in the ConsoleControlledChar component:

<div data-charid="c0n144ot874c2tqpubpg" class="console-controlledchar">


To get your character’s ID, type: get id

Thanks to @farcaller for the GitHub PR #98.


Keywords not allowed in command console
Some previously valid keywords (eg. words ending with a full stop) couldn’t be typed in the command console, even if they could be created using the GUI. This bug has been fixed.
Thanks to @Shinyuu for reporting the issue in this topic!
GitHub issue #101 - Keyword discrepancy

Hidden avatars
In the Awake list, when returning to the browser tab after it has not been used, some avatar images would show as empty black boxes. This is hopefully fixed by a complete rewrite of the Fader component handling the fading in and out of graphical elements.
GitHub issue #105 - Hidden avatars

Redirect of www subdomain
Using the www subdomain ( instead of just would give the error:


The www subdomain now properly redirects to the non-www domain for both and
Thanks to @WakuWaku for reporting the issue in this post!


Warn multiple characters (moderators)
Just like other targeted communication, the warn command can also target multiple characters. A report ticket, assigned to you, will be generated for each warned character.
For more info, type: help warn