Release v1.47.2 - Mobile console

This is a smaller release, but for mobile users it may be a welcome one. From now on, mobile users will also be able to use new line and tab completion. Enjoy!


Updated mobile console

For touch devices such as mobile phones and tablets, the console has been updated with some new features:

  • Red - The blue button with a paper plane icon will send the command.
  • Yellow - The enter key on the virtual keyboard will create a new line without sending.
  • Green - The completion button will complete commands and names.

This mobile console will be activated automatically on devices that uses a touch screen (or rather if media is (pointer: coarse)). This behavior can be overridden with a URL query parameter:

Url Description Auto-detect (default) Assume a touch device Assume a physical keyboard

Thanks to @Yhapatch for bumping it in this topic, and to Varian for the design input.
GitHub issue #75 - Mobile: Send and complete button

Hidden mobile character bar

The bar that shows your controlled characters is now hidden in the mobile layout, unless you have two or more characters controlled:


GitHub issue #79 - Mobile: hide character bar

Message info tooltip

Clicking on an event in the chat log will now show the full name of the character creating the event, together with the date and time of the event:

While this info was previously available on desktop by hovering over a message, this will now also work on mobile devices with touch screen. Hovering will no longer show any info.
GitHub issue #54 - Message info PopupTip


Bot script access to lookupChars

Bot connections can now access the lookupChars method:<BOT_ID>.lookupChars

Request params:

   "name": "accipiter", // First name
   "extended": false,   // Optional setting to return extended character info


      "id": "c0n144ot874c2tqpubpg",
      "name": "Accipiter",
   /* ... and more matching characters ... */

Thanks to @IcoTwilight for bringing it to my attention.

No menu on system info

Chat log entries from the system when calling commands such as whois , list tags , help , etc. had a menu ( ⋮ ) that only contained the option: Export. These log entries no longer shows the menu icon when hovering over them.
GitHub issue #83 - No menu on system info

Console placeholder

On devices running Chrome Mobile (typically Android devices), the console placeholder that says:

Enter your command (or type help)

has been restored. It was previously removed due to a bug.
GitHub issue #81 - Mobile: Console placeholder


Allow character ID for commands
All commands that takes a character name as a parameter will now also accept #character_id:

whois #c0n144ot874c2tqpubpg