Release v1.42.0 - Room profiles


Room profiles

Room description and image can now be stored in room profiles, similar to the type of profiles used for characters.

The following commands have been added:

Command Description
help roomprofile Change room appearance into one of its profiles
help create roomprofile Create a room profile based on current appearance
help list roomprofiles List the room’s profiles
help set roomprofile Set a room profile attribute
help update roomprofile Update a room profile with the room’s current appearance
help delete roomprofile Delete a room profile

These commands are also listed under the build areas help category:

help build areas

In order to create or use room profiles, your character must own the room.
Max number of room profiles for a given room is currently set to 3.

Room profile GUI

It is also possible to manage room profiles through the GUI.
Click the ID badge icon at the top of the Room Info page:


This will open up the Room profiles page:


Just like with character profiles, you can click on a profile to show available actions:

  • Apply - Set the room appearance to match the stored profile.
  • Update - Replace the stored profile with the room’s current appearance.
  • Edit - Edit the description or image stored in the profile.

Clicking Create new profile will create a profile based on the room’s current appearance.

GitHub issue #14


Simplify teleport list

A new option, List own room teleports, has been added to Player settings (click the cog-wheel icon in the left-side panel). This setting allows you to change the behavior of the list teleports command, to make it only include global and registered teleport nodes, excluding the list of owned rooms:


Owned rooms can still be listen with the list rooms command.
Thanks to @farcaller for contributing with the feature!


Area map glitch
Some maps in the Area page glitched when you tried to move them around. This has been fixed.
Thanks to @Xetem for reporting and fixing the issue!
GitHub Issue #4

Room limit check on new exits
When creating a new exit without specifying target room, a new room was created without checking if the room ownership limit was exceeded. Because of this, characters could create an unlimited amount of rooms. This has been fixed.

Edit profile error not showing
If an error occurred when trying to save changes to a character profile after editing it in the GUI, the error would not show up. This has been fixed.
GitHub issue #15