Release v1.38.0 - Mute characters

This release is mostly focused on smaller improvements and bug fixes. But we have one new feature: muting/ignoring characters.


Mute characters

A new command has been added that allows us to mute a character by typing:

mute char Accipiter

Or by using the alias ignore:

ignore Accipiter

Once muting is activated, any message from that character will be replaced with a placeholder mark. Hover over it or clicking on it will show the actual message:


The placeholder marks have the following appearance:

  • Muted public messages as say, pose, describe, etc. are light grey.
  • Muted travel, sleep, and awake messages are slightly darker.
  • Muted private messages and requests are not filled, but only has a border.
  • Muted messages from a focused character has the focus color.

The mute function has the following behavior:

  • Muting a character on one browser will not affect the client on other browsers or devices.
  • A muted character will be muted for all your controlled characters.
  • Muting of characters is persisted between sessions.
  • Some messages are never muted, such as moderator warnings.

The mute char and stop mute char commands have been added to the mute topic. See: help mute

For the discussion on muting and ignoring characters, see: [Feature] Ignore characters


Help on alias

It is now possible to use the help command with aliases:

help @

This will show the help for the address command that has the @ alias.

Additional focus colors

Two more focus colors has been added: orange and white.

Pinker pink

Focus color pink is now more pink than ever. Someone told me my previous pink wasn’t really pink enough.

Persistent focus colors

When using the focus command with a specific color for a character, such as:

focus Accipiter = blue

That choice of color will be persisted in the browser. Next time focus is used for the same character without the color:

focus Accipiter

The stored color of blue will then be used.

Renaming of the set char command

The command set char has now been renamed to just set.
For help info, type: help set

Update error messages when targeting asleep characters

When trying to use a command targetting another character while they are asleep, the message said:

There is no character named “Accipiter”.

This has been updated to now say:

There is no character awake named Accipiter.

This affects multiple commands, such as message, join, summon, etc.

Thanks @Windchaser for bringing it up in this topic!

Unmute renamed to stop mute

The unmute command has been renamed to stop mute, while unmute has been made an alias.

Unfocus renamed to stop focus

The unfocus command has been renamed to stop focus, while unfocus has been made an alias.


Invalid commands not giving errors
When typing an invalid command, the text was not colored in error red, and no error was showing when pressing enter. This has now been fixed.
Thanks @dindin_nibnib for reporting it in this topic!

Filtered characters not sorted correctly
When writing a search filter in the Awake list, the character were not always sorted with the matching characters on top. This has been fixed.

Mute travel shared between players
The setting for muting of travel messages was shared between players using the same browser. Separate local storages are now used for different players.

Char focus shared between players
Just like with mute travel settings, the char focus setting was shared between players using the same browser. Separate local storages are now used for different players.

Client keeps trying to subscribe to deleted exit
When an exit was deleted using the GUI, the client would keep trying to fetch the deleted exit every third second. This has been fixed.
Thanks @farcaller for reporting the issue in this topic!


Set char type command (builder)
Builders can now change another player’s character type into a puppet or back to normal.
For more info, type: help set char type

Set char command (admin)
Admins now has a command to set the properties of another player’s character, without the hassle of having to transfer character ownership back and forth.
For more info, type: help set char