Release v1.35.0 - Rule clarifications

This release focuses on rule clarifications needed as a result of the launch. It also contains some new moderator features.


No canon character rule disclaimer

To clarify the no canon characters rule prior to players creating their character, a disclaimer has been added to the Create new character dialog:

Clicking on the info icon to the right will show the full rule description.

Rule clarification

The No canon characters rule has been updated to clarify that it includes real people and established figures:

No canon characters - Roleplaying real people, established figures, or characters created or owned by someone else is not allowed.

English only

A new rule has been added to clarify that Wolfery is an English only realm:

English only - While characters may occasionally use other languages, communication should be kept in English.


Nested button elements
The use of nested <button> elements caused issues in the Pale Moon browser (and possibly in other standard compliant browsers). This has been resolved.
Thanks to @Wolfbeast for pointing this out in this thread :D.


Report comments (moderator)
Moderators can now add comments to reports, viewable by other moderators. This can be done even when not being assigned to the report, or if the reported character is owned by the moderator.

Comments are added by clicking the comment-icon. Moderator comments are marked with Mod and Cmt.:

Report history (moderator)
Moderators can now view closed reports and reopen them if needed.

Transfer character to target user ID (admin)
It is now possible to target a user by user ID when transferring characters between users.