Release v1.34.0 - Onboarding

This is likely the last release before launch, with the focus on helping newcomers getting started.


First wakeup message

When waking up with a new character for the first time, you are greeted with an initial description. The purpose is both to provide some context, and to give some helpful information:


Welcome page

A welcome page (featuring Miranda) has been added to the client. It is meant to be used as a landing page for those clicking on ad banners leading to Wolfery, instead of having them land directly at the login.

You can find the new page at:

Getting started tooltip

The greeting page (the one with Neira tooting) was previously only shown for players with at least one character, while newcomers had a much simpler info text. With this update, newcomers will be shown the same greeting page as everyone else.

In addition, they will also see a tooltip showing them where to click to create a character:



Help - Realm section

The Realm section under the help topic has been updated.

Help tags

The help manage tags topic has been renamed to help tags.
It has also gotten a complete revamp, with explanations for the different tag colors, and more.


Tags command

The tags <Character> command , which was used to list a character’s tags, has been deprecated.
Instead we have the whois <Character> command which also lists tags, but provides additional character info. For usage, type:

help whois