A necessary step in order to get proper password reset: Email verification.
Change/Set email
For username/password accounts, it is now possible to set/change your email under Player Settings (click the Cog-wheel at the bottom of the left-side panel).
Under the Email section, you can click your email (Set email address if no email is currently set). Hovering the button will show your full email address in a tooltip:
To change/set your email, you must verify yourself with your account password:
Email verification
A new email address requires verification through a mail being sent to that address. It will be sent from support@mucklet.com on registration or when a new mail is set:
If you didn’t receive the email, or if you already had an email set before this feature was added, you can send a new verification mail from the Player Settings:
Allow receiving newsletters
A new setting is added under the Player Settings - Email section: Receive newsletter:
While you shouldn’t expect any newsletter in the near future, the setting is added to prepare for future plans on sending out game related information about updates, events, and new areas/realms. Newsletters will be sent at most once a month. Uncheck this box to opt-out of such mails.
Better client source map
For those of you wanting to see how the client is written; the source maps generated for the javascript client has now been upgraded.
Want to see how a say
command is implemented? In the browser, open your dev tools with F12, open a File search with Ctrl + P, and type in and select Say.js
. There you go!