This release focus once more on security features and requirements needed to be in place prior to launch.
Updated password storage
Two security issues has been addressed with the way passwords were stored, making them weaker than they needed to be. On the next login, stored passwords will be upgraded to use a newer algorithm that deals with these issues.
Agree to Terms
It is now mandatory to agree to the terms and policies, both for users using password login, as well as Google login. Next time visiting Wolfery, you will be asked to read and agree to the terms if you haven’t already done so:
Confirm discarding appearance on profile switch
If changes has been made to your character’s appearance that hasn’t been stored in any profile, you will now need to confirm before overwriting those changes by applying another profile:
Thanks @Soulwing (and sorry) for the suggestion!
Remember login/register input fields
When logging in or registering, the input fields would get cleared if you clicked to view Terms of Service, or Privacy Policy. This is no longer the case, and will allow smoother registration.
Self-hosted fonts
Fonts are no longer hosted by Google or any other CDN, but is hosted by Wolfery itself. This it to make it more difficult for Google to track the users of this service.
More distinct boldness
The bold font has been made more distinct. This happened in a patch release prior to v1.27.0. Thanks @Tlancaalek for the suggestion!
Backup/restore refactoring
The system for backup and restore of the realm has been updated, and improved.
Google login broken
A bug caused Google login to break. This was fixed in a patch release prior to v1.27.0.
Wipe user account (overseer)
A command has been added to allow wiping of accounts, including any identifying information. It is yet not possible to delete accounts yourself, but you can always ask Accipiter to do it.