One of the largest updates so far, but most of it is under the hood.
Identity server
Before the update, the realm handled user accounts and logins, where realm admins (currently only Accipiter) had access to these accounts, including the power to reset passwords and change usernames.
With this update, accounts have been extracted from the realm into its own service, which will work as a global login for all realms. Admin permissions have been restricted to only deal with things realm related, not user account related.
The main reason for all this; multi-realm support.
And implementing this would get more difficult the longer the wait.
Non-italic status
Status messages in the realms Awake list is no longer italic. This is to better support unicode status emojis that otherwise would look weird when shown with italics.
Long mail words overflow
When mail in the Mail Inbox contained long words or URLs, the text would overflow the container instead of wrapping. This has been fixed.
Terms update
Some minor updates has been made to terms. Thanks @TundraWolf for the great suggestions!
Restore from backup fail halfway through
When running a backup restore on Wolfery, the restore would fail halfway through, leaving some services unrestored. This has been fixed.