Release v1.15.0 - Follow & lead

This release just contains a single new feature: Follow & Lead


Follow & lead

We now have commands to allow us to follow someone when they move around.

follow <Character>
lead <Character>
stop follow
stop lead [<Character>]

(They have been aliased with similar commands from TinyMU*)

Both the leader and the follower may initiate to start lead/follow.
The other character will get a request to respond to.


The behavior when leading & following:

  • you can only follow one at a time
  • you can lead multiple characters at a time
  • you can both lead and follow at the same time
  • you can have circular leads (A follows B and B follows A)
  • starting/stopping to lead/follow is not shown to others in the room
  • sleep automatically stops following/leading
  • a follower follows when the leader:
    • uses an exit
    • teleports
    • goes home
    • is summoned
    • follows someone else

To learn more about the commands, type:

help follow
help lead
help stop follow
help stop lead

The commands are added to the help transport category.

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