Question of the week #5

A little bit late, but does your character own and use a phone to do stuff like make phone calls, watch videos, record, and play games? The other day when Nick was making a call to someone, I have some thoughts on how everyone is getting their own internet/cellular connections despite that none exists in the realms, yet. It reminds me of my proposed fictional Telecommunications company named Serenity Network…


Yeah, on the rare occasion I do roleplay I may start a conversation like this:
“hiya, saw a gorgeous picture of ya on the Sinder network. Would love to see you in person though. ^w^”

now that I look at it a bit longer that defo looks a bit needy >w< I may wanna change it a bit UwU.


I tend to carry the pager on me at times, when I need to be in touch with the biz. It’s easier to deal with it when you’re fully naked, I guess.


Sep has a cell phone, he doesn’t really know how it works. And is very late to the party as far as using it, so it’s all new tech to him. Slow typer, likes to use lots of emojis. In world, he picked it up since his roommate had one, and figured he needed to communicate with her. He often gets sidetracked if he takes it out, so tries not to as much as possible. =)


My chartars typicclly use phon es as a means of conveying something like callling or trxting sometimes too actually look up stuff


Various characters of mine own phones (or similar devices!)
Though this might just be a mental hiccup on my end, I always get confused when private messages are sent my way in RPs - can never really tell if they’re texting me, calling me, using magic, or what have you.
Oh well, I guess I should try getting into a habit of using a phone in RPs more often! :shark: :sweat_drops:


I don’t roleplay text messaging very often but when I do it’s usually just, “Hey. It’s been a while. How have you been, X?”

Cade owns a couple of smart devices but he’s only uses his phone for texting friends. His texts are usually quite to point and never any emojis or emoticons because he thinks they’re immature.

Kumah has a smart phone as well which she finally got several months after moving to Sinder so she could message her roommate. Her texts tend to be a little longer and she likes to use emoticons since she likes the creative use of characters and thinks they look awkwardly cute.


So far, only one of my Kitsune characters actually has a phone, not that anyone else knows, and she does know how it works, though that’s only after extensive practice. Any of my tech-minded characters don’t really have a phone, but they generally do have a sort of built-in communication device. Other than that, most of my characters aren’t really modernized in that fashion.


Phones? F* it! real spiders use our own webs to communicate!. . . and yeah, two plastic cups