Question of the week #19

While I was thinking if I wanted to change up the transportation after I managed to board the transit bus for the first time, I’ve been curious about how your character usually commutes if they were to find themselves in a city.

What is your character’s preferred mode of transportation when commuting around the city, and why?

  • Taxi
  • Bus
  • Train
  • E-Bike/Scooter

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Giant foxes, of course. Who wouldn’t want to ride a fox?


He just enjoys walking places as he doesn’t exactly get tired.

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Short distances? Walking or option 5… hehe. Long distance? Usually train.

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On foot or horseback, because midieval! Or could probably learn to ride a train or bus.

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Drago would flip-flap around of course! Landing on helipads if a building has one!

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