Proposal: Organized Criminal Element

Hello there!

This is a proposal for an organized (and regulated) criminal element to operate in the background while openly mingling with others under normal circumstances in the ‘civilian’ world. The idea I have requires a little bit of explaining so I ask that you bare with me while I do so.

The idea stems off of my experience in the past with other role play formats (for example GTA FiveM RP where I have extensive experience heading an organized criminal element [operated as a family of the Italian Mafia] across multiple whitelisted servers). This criminal element would be a ‘closed group’ that operates following an S.O.P. (Standard operating procedure) that will be flushed out and provided to interested parties ((WIP, not currently available)). Any and all members of the Organization or ‘Family’ (read as per Mafia family) would be expected to follow these standardized guidelines and rules, while providing cohesive and in depth role play scenarios for all parties involved.

Some examples (though not set in stone) of what some example S.O.P. guidelines might be something like:
-When initiating criminal RP, make sure to provide openings within the initial encounter to allow targeted parties to disengage from the scenario if they do not wish to be engaged in criminal rp.
(i.e. Do not try and force characters into interactions they do not wish to be a part of)

-Smaller scenarios should be approached in a way that respects the quality of roleplay that we wish to bring to the community.

-Larger or more involved scenarios should be organized with at least one of the organizations officers before it’s initiated.

Very very rough examples of what might be included in an S.O.P., but the idea is to provide a guiding hand as to what we are expected as a group to provide to the community, without smothering creativity with all kinds of red tape.

One thing I would also like to implement would be a ‘do not disturb’ list (managed by myself or other appointed ‘officers’ of the group). This would be a list people could request they be added to if they feel strongly about not being involved in any form of our scenarios. Members would be expected to keep up to date on this list, and respect their wishes by not attempting to initiate criminal themed RP involving them.

Some example scenarios that could be brought to Sinder by this criminal element could involve smaller concepts such as loan sharking (though the general concept of monetary value in Sinder is arbitrary at best), smuggling and distribution of illegal goods, protection rackets for local businesses (potentially engaging reoccurring drama for Sinders local business owners if they wish to request this). On the more aggressive / extreme end there could be scenarios such as ‘territorial conflict’ between criminal groups, potential for an organized law enforcement department of some sort and all drama this would include, kidnappings/ransoms, ‘money collections’ and more. In reality the possibilities are only restricted by the parties that would be involved.

The ‘closed group’ would be open for applications and interviews (handled OOC), but would serve to provide a group that external parties can look at when seeking out dramatic roleplay and be ensured of the quality they might provide.

I’m very much open to (and honestly requesting) Ideas, recommendations, and criticism that might help flush this idea out, and turn it into something that can flourish in Sinder’s shadows.

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As I mentioned in game; I like the idea of sub-groups within the game. Be it religious cults, different types of guilds, or crime syndicates like this!

Of course, any such RP must always adhere to the rules of the game, including area rules. Just because you’re a mafia gangster, it still doesn’t allow you to smoke a cigar inside Miranda’s, or to wave guns around in the park :grin:

Later, when the game supports custom “character title tags” (or whatever I’ll call it) - tags that your character must be granted permission to use - they can be used to quickly identify other characters being part of the same syndicate/family, or perhaps a rivalling one. Eg. tags like thieves guild, la familia, or the sodality.


100% agree with what you’ve said. That would be part of the reason for the S.O.P. And limiting the group to approved members. One of the main focuses would be on bringing this roleplay into the world while following all rules already in place! In the future as needed, additional areas would likely be created for certain roleplay scenarios, or to provide an ‘open area’ which would allow more thematic role play for this ‘noir/gangster’ style and provide a place for those seeking out that type of world.
At the moment the main focus is on the group itself and what could be done to start this within the existing world.

Additionally I love the concept of the Tags you mentioned, and having identifiable rivalries (or business partners) would add so much to the concept!


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Here is a small issue however. Do‘nezo just got two new crime guilds (thievery and assassination jobs) linked.

I can read in your proposal, that you have nice ideas and experience on that matter and I am really interested in how that would play out. ^^

Tho I suggest checking these guilds out to look if they are too similar to your vision or would work differently/ give a unique selling point.

Either working together or searching for a different home turf :thinking:

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I did see the thieves guild post, thank you for bringing that up though!

I would like to mention that ‘the family’ (Or as I usually call the group ‘Omerta’) wouldn’t be looking to step on any toes OOC. We would be largely pursuing different elements of criminal RP than thieving or assassination contracts. While IC multiple criminal elements feels like a good basis for cohesive and ongoing interaction between the groups.

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Alrighty, thanks for clearing that up ^^

For any one else reading this, I’d love to hear feed back, answer questions, or see anyone who’s interested.