I know you can export logs, but it would be really nice if the main output window preserved some history between sessions. Right now even hitting F5 will wipe everything, and then there’s no chance to recover it. It’s the main thing I miss from MUCKs, where I have logs automatically saved and sync’d between multiple PCs.
If I’m not mistaken encryption, security, and a lack of accessible data server-side are some of the core features of Wolfery. That would preclude them from being saved server-side. I don’t know how viable it would be to have your browser store the logs in some way, but I imagine that it would be trivial to write an extension that would just log the main output window to a file and then append to that whenever it updates, just like most MUCK clients do.
I only mentioned how I use MUCKs as an example! I wouldn’t expect server-side logs. But F-chat has some sort of local cache that it keeps. Just something to prevent the window from being wiped if you accidentally close it.
Somewhat related, I sometimes have to refresh Wolfery because it mysteriously stops working, and I lose everything in the chat log whenever that happens. (It’s only happened a few times in the last week.)
That is strange.
As @Raeth mentioned, the server keeps no logs of communication.
However, the client should store the log for the duration of the browser tab, in the browser’s session storage. Meaning, pressing F5 should be possible without losing the log.
Closing the tab, or starting a new one, will clear the session storage and thus erase the log.
I could instead choose to store it in the browser’s local storage, which would then be kept even after closing the browser. I have choosen not to do so (yet), because it would allow anyone with access to your computer, to get access to the stored logs. But maybe I should add it as an option?
So, what if you do this:
- Open a new tab (logged in to Wolfery with an awake character)
- Say something
- Press F5 to reload without closing the tab
Is the log gone? If so, what browser are you using? Because it should work.
Yes. Most likely it is during my previous release updates.
Yesterday I tried to fix it, and I think it worked. After the fix, I successfully restarted both the server and gateway without anyone losing their session.
So, hopefully you will not experience that again!
Not possible from a browser though. Browsers doesn’t allow writing to files - only saving/downloading whole files.
But maybe you can do browser extensions that do that. But, I’ll leave that to someone else