Possible Report Bug

So, I recently was going to report someone’s messages, but when I went to click report, to just said this: Converting circular structure to JSON > starting at object with constructor ‘t’ | property ‘_evs’ -> object with constructor ‘Object’ | property ‘model.change’ -> object with constructor ‘Array’ | … | property ‘instance’ -> object with constructor ‘f’ - property ‘eventBus’ closes the circle" I was talking to Raeth about it, so he said to post it on the forum.

Thanks for the report, @Asahi_Kaneko!
Yes, Raeth did send it to me as well, so he did good :slight_smile:

And yes, a Converting circular structure to JSON error is always a bug!
Now I just need to try to investigate where it occurred. But the fact that it happened when trying to make a report will narrow it down for sure!