Pet a lucky fluff, get a reward!

You might have seen a wee golden fox statue somewhere around Sinder recently. Thanks to the Do’nezo’s famous Dracones Finances, you now can get some cash¹ completely for free²!

If you find the lucky fox, you can pet it for a noticeable bonus to your account, and the rewards are unlimited³. The further the fox is from the Station Park, the more the reward will be!

Go out, look for the fox, and reap the amazing benefits!

  1. SCAM coins are a magico-magnetic-only product, regulated by Dracones Financial Services.
  2. You will have to pet the fox.
  3. The rewards are limited. Dracones Finances reserves the right to stop the offer at any time. The reward is provided no more often than once every 24 hours as judged by the Sinder Clock Tower.

Here’s a little OOC hint: find Lucky Fluff in the list on the left or type wi Lucky Fluff to see where the fluff is today. The further from station park you find it, the higher is the reward.


Apparently it’s hard to quickly identify the area in which the fluff is so here’s a little hint for you to make things easier. The current Rift area the fluff is in will be displayed in its status:

Hopefully this will give you enough of a clue where to hunt for the statue.

Make sure you grab all the coins before we unveal a new and exciting way to spend them~


Is it me, or has the fluff stopped moving lately?

It’s on me. I’m moving it manually still, and I was a bit busy with my life for the last couple of weeks to tend to it proper. Sorry!