Other plans?

Hello! I’ve found wolfery about a year ago and I truly appreciate how the main dev takes privacy seriously.

I have seen a few other posts about how they have plans for other mud style games unrelated to wolfery, and I was wondering if muds are all they plan to do. As far as I know, this is the only roleplaying site that respects their user’s privacy, but it really demands that you roleplay wolfery and wolfery specifically.

Then again, maybe the target audience is specifically “People who like MUDs” and not “People who like roleplaying”. Just thought I’d ask.

Glad you appreciate it!

Ensuring privacy can be a tad tricky, but I think it has been worth the effort.
As the “main dev”, so to speak, I can try to explain my thoughts and intention.

My plan has always been to create tools to allow others to create the worlds they want to play in. That means; I have no plans to admin any other world myself. But instead, others should be able to create realm freely, with its own genre, its own purpose, and your own rules, moderators, builders, etc. My focus would be to try to make the tools as flexible as possible, to allow all kinds of realms.

I imagine people will createrealms with different themes; vampires, cyber punk, horror, fluffy rainbow land, wizarding school, etc.
Some realms might for a free style of RP, similar to Wolfery. Others might be a mix between roleplay and gameplay, where you can use scripting logic to create MUD-like games with stats, mobs, and loot. Maybe some realms are smaller, set up by a game master for a DnD campaing they want to do with friends? And other realms might be more like escape room puzzles?

That is kind of how I imagine the future.

Not sure if I clarified anything with that answer though.

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