Happy New Years! By the time you read this, it’ll (most likely) be 2024. Let’s hope 2024 goes better than the rest! But with the end of the year comes the last edition for 2023! Not much happened for December apart from the usual holidays, but we still got something for you to read about.
A new Spotlight, this time located on The Forest. (Maybe we should give the place a more unique name sometime?)
the disappearance of the Silentwood!
That’s about it, actually. No comics this time around, but don’t fret! They’ll come back next time. Thank you for your interest in the Sinder Chronicle! The last two editions have been a little sparse, but that’ll soon change. We’ve got new ideas for a new year!
(The Sinder Chronicle is located right next to the Cinnabar Apartment Complex at Sinder Crossing.)