I’d been thinking about his for a bit and I decided I don’t actually like the new area interface. The stuffs below is mostly related the the desktop interface.
Firstly, a very useful feature of getting the area population at a glance is effectively crippled. To see it you’d need to scroll the right panel up all the way (becasue it mostly stays scrolled to the bottom as that’s where the interesting stuffs happen). Then you need to know to click on the second thingy in the bar and finally see the numbers. Then you’ll have to do the whole same process in reverse, because you still want to keep an eye on the room pops.
I kinda see the reasoning of having to “zoom out” from the room to the area to the parent areas but practically the room and the area communicate distinct stuffs and it just doesn’t work for me.
It’s a bit less of an issue with a phone where you need to tap things either way; but on the desktop it forces me to do so much more mouse stuffs than it used to be and it’s just not ergonomical.