Howdy! This is the narrator for Jessie Dodge, Christian Marksman, Tarnished, and Fenrir Odinson. I have been noticing a good amount of people who were in the military character wise and I was wanting to make a military base for them! Anywhere is fine, but I have one person suggesting me to build it in Aurielia, Salagalu and another in Horseshoe Creek.
Please tell me your thoughts and your ideas so I can maybe make something happen! Thank you to those that were in service in real life, regardless of who you fought for!
While it’s not exactly my preferred style of role-playing, I can certainly understand the allure of using a military base as a setting. My recommendation for constructing your build is to focus on creating something that you and your friends will be pleased with initially. Once you have achieved a level of satisfaction with your build, then you can begin considering where you would like to connect it and what modifications may be necessary to meet any requirements.