Map, in text form, of the realm

The Clockwork City

A floating city, the home of the Grand Academy of Magic, or will be. The area is themed with clockwork and magical engineering in mind.


Combat is Forbidden

Combat play is not allowed within the city. The only area of The Clockwork City in which Combat Play is OK, is the ‘Arena’, within the ‘Entertainment District’.

No Extreme Themes

This includes but is not limited to: filth and toilet play, extreme gore, substance play (incl. smoking and hard substances, but not alcohol or fantasy elixirs)

The Ruling Class is IC Only, and Only Within the Clockwork City Area and it’s Sub-Areas

Any notion of authority made in-character does not apply directly to out of character authority, please consult player tags to learn who is a realm moderator and/or admin.


Go into the train station, then take platform 2, take the grey line, and finally stop at the Airship station

In-Game Character Contact

Xalyn Ilekex or Thorn ilekex

Original Post