Making remote editing/ownership change easier

Something I miss from MUCKs is the ability to edit a room remotely. My main character is often interacting in public; if I want to change something in one of my rooms during lulls in the conversation, I have to choose between being social or leaving. This is especially annoying if I want to set scripts/exits/profiles up in advance of bringing visitors in.

I appreciate UI-wise that may be tricky to handle but I could manage without the GUI, if only the relevant room get/set commands took a room ID. After all, that’s how I did it previously.

I thought to temporarily transfer ownership to a second character, however unlike areas the current syntax requires you to be in the room - there’s no request room #RoomID/room : owner = Character, and no ‘chlock’ to allow certain characters to acquire room ownership. Adding this might be a good short-term workaround.

It’s also odd that your non-puppet characters can’t request room owner and have it succeed in your other character’s rooms, automatically if it’s between your own characters - or more directly set room owner.

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I think that’s a very reasonable request. While I think I remember Acci voicing some concerns about editing the rooms remotely before (something to do with non-direct communication? Or was it for profile changes while asleep? Hm), it sounds absolutely reasonable that either the characters on the same account should be able to edit all the rooms, or that the rooms should be effortlessly transferrable between characters of the same account.


The first link above goes to the post where he mentions in passing his concern for ‘trolling’ (though I don’t see what difference it makes doing it remotely if there’s only one account that can do it).