[Location] Gape Cavern

In order to experiment with room and exit creation, I have created a small area referred to as “Gape Cavern”. It’s intended as a cave for spelunking, located in a hidden spot within a forest, and it stretches eastward underground. Deceptive in its height and depth, Gape Cavern twists around on itself, and connects to a second area I plan to construct in future. The entrance is known as “Gape Cavern Mouth”.

My thoughts are it could connect to some forest area, and possibly pass underneath the river to the opposite side. Its other “entrance” is intended to be located on higher ground.

Seen and approved! I look forward to checking it out! dons his goggles, fastens a light to them!

Thanks! Uh, so…how does one create a pathway into my area?

I believe I would have to do that. Once you’re done making it, let me know and you can summon me over to have a look! If it all looks good, I can link it up. n_n


That’s what the Request system is for!

Try ‘help request’