When looking around the area, I’ve noticed a lack of shops anywhere in Sinder besides Hostel, Cafe, and Inn. As I was taking notes on what players usually do and what tags they have, I was thinking if I could at least open up a sex shop for players wanting to purchase any sex product.
The sex shop will be called The Afterdark. Players who want to purchase any sex product to enhance their sexual needs or experience with a partner will have to head over to Afterdark or have it delivered to them through online purchases.
Inside Afterdark, there is a hallway that separates the store and the outside world. The large board that takes up half of the front wall states that the character needs to be 18 years or older to enter and have the character (not player) ID ready. A doorbell with a camera is present, just next to the shop entrance which if pressed, calls the front desk. To get in the store, players would need to declare their character age by pressing the doorbell (messaging Himari Arasaka) and roleplaying their character showing their ID (Again, not the players ID) on the stores camera. Once approved, they will be summoned indicating that Himari has unlocked the door.
Once inside, players who are carrying a backpack would be asked to leave it at the counter. Afterwards, they can freely shop as they wish. As the shop is intended to promote sexual freedom by the owner and its friendly employee, they carry various products for their customer’s needs such as:
Books (Mostly erotic novels or books about sex), hentai manga
Blow-up Dolls
There will also be 5 sex room located on the second floor. Each room is designed in a bizarre way that it may be considered weird, but it was intentional to pay homage to the Japanese Love Hotel. Players and their partner would need to get a key at the front desk, in which they will be given the room code since all 5 rooms are hidden for confidential reason. If they have multiple partners coming, let Himari know.
Hopefully, this idea will work because I want to use my character Himari more often and I want her to run a sex shop. It’s currently being built so please bear with me.
I need to get off my butt and finish the strip mall I’ve been working on. This sounds like a good idea to me, though. I agree we need more storefronts in general. (The one I’m working on has a gym and two stores in it, but room for people to add more.) However, I’m lazy.
I was having some vague underground mall ideas for the sewers, heh. There are a lot of people with ‘shop’ ideas. I lament having to be a landlord for such an area.
Over in Linseria I’ve set up the Commercial District, it’s the perfect place for shops and I’m looking to add more to it. For more information Contact Asher Vulpara, often found in his office in the castle of Linseria.
This part seems pretty unworkable in our current framework. A public place should be open all the time and not have a gatekeeper.
I think it’s acceptable to add an area rule that prohibits underaged characters, but who lets people in when Himari/Himari’s player is asleep? Do players have to go through this verification each time they go to the area? How much effort are willing to put in to visiting a zone to even just check it out and decide if they want to RP there?
This is a great idea for an off-grid, private room that Himari can summon people to in order to play. They could even set up a teleport node for their friends to teleport to, but it doesn’t feel like a good mechanic to have in a public, on-grid room.
I have some similar concerns with the whole "a player manually checking people to let them into an area that isn’t actually public because only the front room is actually linked and accessible. It has some presentation optics of existing as an advertising booth for an exclusive club where only you can decide who gets let in or not - at least as it’s currently suggested.
Thematically it makes sense, but accessibility wise it doesn’t.
However, I see there being two routes to possibly making this build more approachable to people as a public location to be roleplayed in and available at all times, like public builds should be:
Having a Puppet which is assigned to the area which anybody can pilot, with the appropriate roleplay notes describing the character, then people wishing to use the location can pilot the puppet. (This assumes that a puppet will always be homed to the shop so any player piloting can summon as RP guidance suggests. And I don’t have extensive knowledge of the puppet system, hopefully they can use commands such as summon? If they can’t that’ll cause a stumble.)
and rather than having a majority of a location blocked off until somebody manually summons them in over and over again, we’re going to need backend systems for this sort of user list/tag/flagged location eventually. That functionality is on the development board, but still a while out. Without the ability to have a rules flag and blacklist to add people to when they violate the rules, it’ll be hard to really get a build like this to a good spot where users are always capable of accessing a build that is intended to be linked in and accessible publicly.
If we can resolve the limitations on the amount of control to area access being suggested, we can consider something like this for Sinder, otherwise we probably need a different area outside of Sinder to place this.
Perhaps we can compromise since it’s not going to work with the current framework and I want my idea implemented soon.
I can remove the barrier between the hallway to the shop so people can freely walk in whatever they want, but if a minor is spotted within’ the store, they will be swept immediately. How does that sound to you?
I wonder if some area moderation tools might be nice. For people who want to create more ‘exclusive clubs’. For public areas, I agree. You shouldn’t sweep a character simply because they don’t fit your zone. We’re all adult players here, you don’t have to suffer things you don’t like but. Being opposed to sitting in the same room with another character doesn’t sit well with me. Sub zones in Sinder should only have more inclusive roleplay rules, not exclusive ones?
I guess there are IC rules one would want to enforce, but are… less enforceable. Like: this area is low magic. Now, a magic user could come break this rule repeatedly, be absolutely disruptive to roleplay. But would that warrant action against them?
In the circumstance where an OOC rule of “Characters required to be sexually/emotionally mature adults identifiably similar to 18+ on premises” is being violated by players who ignore the rules and bring inappropriate characters onto the the premises, it would be reasonable for an area owner to state the rule violation privately (so long as its stated in the rules before deciding a rule is broken) and to ask them to immediately correct course or to leave the premises if they prefer. If they do neither, sweep them.
If they return without having corrected the issue, or become combative despite things behind handled nice/clear/respectful (very important for the subarea owner to do this part) then the sub-area owner should seek a moderator to instruct that player to steer clear of the sub area in question since the rules are being violated repeatedly and the matter has become severe enough to warrant disrespect and harassment violations.
Be nice, be clear, be respectful - good faith forward and try to resolve the matter without unnecessary escalation.
Obviously things only escalate further from there, so long as the sub-area owner is handling things in a way expected of anybody in a moderation position.
Eventually and ideally, if we can get area moderation tools in place, we’ll likely have more tools for people to handle this more directly without needing a direct moderator to instruct repeat offenders.
To be perfectly clear, we’re not going to fast track/rush anything that isn’t properly constructed. Nothing you build will be linked prior to being fully finished. The build team is not in the habit of signing social contracts based on the idea of an area - if you want something reviewed for implementation, it needs be more than a rough sketch.
The matter of manual controlled ‘summon only entry’ is a hard stop, no negotiation matter for this idea unless you’re wanting to leave this area as a private location people can privately use. If we can find a way to make your idea for summoning people through to where everybody can easily interact with that concept IC via a puppet shopkeep/clerk who can do their defined how-to-play role of screening characters who are not “identifiably adults” then we can start to move forward on the idea.
However, without this manual door control, we can move forward a lot more easily on this idea - …so long as the zone is actually built and ready to go. You can much more easily state an OOC rule in the area rules that characters in the area are required to be identifiably adults of physical/emotional maturity (example: 18+ humans) and that any violation of this rule will be asked to correct course or leave the area.
Took another walk around and here are a couple more thingies.
for all three ares you got there you mention:
The rules can be found if you type help rule on the command.
I think the actual command you wanted to quote was area rules but it’s kinda pointless to mention that in the area rules itself. And you don’t need to remind the population that they must obide the general wolfery rules so it’s safe to clean that up.
In the basement your rules are hidden under the ‘0.5) Wolfery Rules’ header. Given that’s the only one there I think it’s safe to remove it completely and list the rules as is.
The other two areas have rules 1 and 2 still. I believe we discussed those with you OOC and I pointed how they are useless because they are part of the general Wolfery rules. Would you kindly clean those up?
I cleaned those up myself, but mind that it’s preferred to have the exit sentences end with a period.
Some of the hallway rooms (#2) lack the exit messages that you have nicely authored for room #1.
There’s no need in having a keyword go back, generally back is enough because you type go back to go back, not go go back.
The navigation between the aisles is a bit disorienting. I think that it’s enough to have the aisle number and name in the checkout area, but moving between the aisles doesn’t need the elaborate names. Just use Previous Aisle / Next Aisle everywhere and it’d be much easier to explore.
Use the (( ... )) formatting for the OOC notices – that’s how you make it look OOC (cleaned those up for you)