[Linked] The Empire of Linseria

Hello All,

I’ve been building an area, a North Pole from the land Asher Vulpara originates from, brought onto the Rift from the world it originates from, the Empire of Linseria. Ruled by Asher and left secluded for 3000 years in its home world before being brought to the Rift, the area consists of the harbor city of Rastina–where the ferry would take passengers to and from the other ferry stations around the realm, the ice plains of the north pole, and the crown city of Linseria at the top of the world.

Besides the harbor, Rastina also contains small necessities for tourists and those not acclimated to the harsh frozen wasteland of the north pole, including a stall to rent heavy, magically enchanted coats for staying warm in the constant under -40 degree cold.

Alone on the frozen path to Linseria is the Frozen Hearth, a lodge and inn for weary travelers looking to get out of the cold an into a warm bed.

Upon the top of a cliff rests the beacon utopia of Linseria, capital of the north pole. Contained within the grand city, surrounded by shops, houses and the Great Ice Arch, is Linseria Castle–a grand monument to the north, and home to the ruling house of Vulpara.

There is a teleport beacon at The Great Ice Arch, which is at #cb2tiru9gbrmb43n4r30.


The main rules for the north pole would be as follows:

Combat is Permitted
Combat play is allowed outside the cities, given that consent is had between all parties and no property damage occurs.

No Extreme Themes
This includes but is not limited to: filth and toilet play, extreme gore, substance play (incl. smoking and hard substances, but not alcohol or fantasy elixirs)

Underage Play
While underage play is allowed within the area, keep all adult acts with minor characters to ones at or above the age of 7.

The Ruling Class is IC Only, and Only Within the North Pole Area and it’s Sub-Areas
Any notion of authority made in-character does not apply directly to out of character authority, please consult player tags to learn who is a realm moderator and/or admin.


The area is now linked through the ferry terminals at Sinder and Cascade Island.

For users looking to add housing to Linseria, contact Asher Vulpara in-game, and for larger scale project ideas, please post about them here in the forum.


Minor thing: You may want to have area mapping for the rooms in the Inn, similar to how the Inn in Sinder does it. Otherwise you’ll have to play guess-the-empty-room.

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