[Linked] Republic of Salagalu proposal

As of 10:30 PM on March 8, 2023, the area has been linked. The finalized version of this build is completely different as it has undergone several changes over the last 7 months. The elements that were kept from the original August plan are Beach Yugen and Food Court.

Greetings! I’ve been planning on building a tropical island for quite a while that’ll act as an adult-only venue (No kids allowed! You have Cascade Island) and situated in a city in the tropical nation of Salagalu (Republic of Salagalu), and I need your feedback before I can continue working on it.

They will arrive at the Saula International Seaport terminal via Seaplane, where disembarked passengers and visitors can:

  • Go shopping at the Mall Hall | There will be a total of 5 stores: Painting, Clothing, Souvenir,
  • Eat at the food court if they’re hungry | 6 food vendors will be there, all of which have fictional names.
  • Go outside.

Once outside, your character can travel anywhere in the city of Pacifica as a tourist where they can visit one of the 4 city district listed below:

  • Toalua (North)| Pacifica World Expo & Convention Center (Event), Orbital Building (Space-like attraction), Boardwalk (Theater), Club Avia, Salagalu Police Department
  • Saula (South) |Saula International Airport, One-Scoops-Two (Ice Cream), Waterland (Indoor Swimming Pool), Spiral Tower (Club, Casino, Apartment), Deep Pacific (deep diving pool), Paintball Arena, Catherine Bakery & Pastry Shop, Beach Yugen
  • Koukakai (East)| Lenceria Empire (Womans sex shop), The Mooncity (Luxury clothing shop), Morning Sun Apartment (Apartment), Beach Moana,
  • Sautuwai (West)| Aurora Hotel & Casino, Underwater Gates (Underwater Restaurant), All American Grill, University Poseidon

Characters has the ability to live in one of the apartments. Each apartments has their own limitations. Studio apartments will generally have a total of 6 rooms (Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen, Closet, Dining Room, Storage), while larger apartment complexes will have 2 or 3 bedrooms in total.

Besides that, there is also the shelter area in every district, only meant for people who went offline while in the middle of the street.

Visitors are only limited to Pacifica, Salagalu. While the map that I’ll provide (once approved) will have other cities, they will be greyed out for the time beings.

If this proposal get’s rejected (which is pretty much expected), I have another plan just in case this happens.

I’m not really sure what kind of feedback you’re looking for. I see a lot of ideas for locales, but I don’t really have a sense of what you think makes this area unique, or what input from other folks would help you develop it.

Any feedbacks, really.

What about the planned Salagalu Police Department?

Waiting for this to be deleted. Nobody can be bothered to link it anyways,

Was it actually built? Can I visit it and take a look?

Partially, as I have already shifted my focus towards something else.

If you can give me a tour I can provide you with feedback on it.

Will do. Give me a moment

I took a look and I generally like the concept (and it’s nice to see more stuffs in the ocean). That said, there’s more content in the announcement forum post than the area.

I would suggest fleshing out what’s the area is about. Do’nezo is the middle-east themed desert. The north pole is survingi in the ice. The scared valley is ruins of lost civilizations. What’s the Salagau’s focus?

Figure that out and build arond it. See if you actually need all those disctircts you listed (that’s a lot of work; make sure you actually want to commit). If you need any help with getting the area in shape, feel free to poke the builders for tips and tricks.

Here’s an outline for you on what to focus:

  • figure the core theme
  • make the rooms for it
  • make sure it’s easy to travel from the entrance to those rooms
  • spread out with side activities
  • this is your draft here
  • clean up the writing
  • make sure all exits are in order with the correct messages et al
  • set up the area, subareas, and the rules
  • almost there!
  • get the final review
  • link the airport to the public grid
  • ???
  • profit!

I’m gonna pause this for now until I can re-evaluate the logistics of having a tropical-themed island in here. It’s not identical to Cascade Island (I think that’s what its called).

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Update | I decided to resume working on the country, although still at a slow pace.