I’ve been working on this for several months now, and I think it is finished.
As a forewarning, there are 59 rooms in need of inspection. I have thoroughly gone through and have double and triple checked all exits, descriptions, spelling. I have spent countless hours editing and combing through every detail. This is a full city with many paths, shops, and much much more.
Now, before looking at it, let me give a quick description. The entire kingdom is corruption based fantasy. Specifically of sexual nature. The entire city is built around criminality, public indecency, fetishes of all kinds (no limitations). This is a place entirely intended for heavy sexual RP situations.
Each place has it’s own pictures, descriptions, a spot on the fully built map. I welcome any and all feedback, this was a lot to work on. I would need an area to put it in. It is a mountain themed kingdom with ocean access. I’m not sure where it can fit in world at the moment. Any questions, please reach out to Thikok Pakt.
Here is the start room ID for the kingdom: #cctqcpu9gbrk70sm3oeg
Heya! I’m taking a peek through and it looks pretty good to be honest! It will take some time to review due to the size, so thank you for your patience in advance. My initial question is if you have an idea or preference of where Eisenhorn would fit in to the rest of Wolfery. Did you have anywhere in mind, or a preferred means of conveyance to reach it? By train or sea, for example.
Hey Raeth! To get to the city, I think it would be best by train since the front gate has a warning label. I also have shopped around Sinder on places to add it in. The mountain trail you own for instance, being Weiss Fleur and the particular tastes my city has seem to mingle in certain aspects. My only problem is I’m not sure my harbor would fit into that scenic area, but according to how the rift operates, it wouldn’t be entirely out of the question. Realistically as long as folks end up at the front gate to be presented with the warning that anything goes in the city is my primary concern. By foot, train, airship, airplane, magic portal. Anything is suitable. I would add more things, but with a single room left, I am using that as a way to move folks into the city when the need arises. Sorry for paragraph vomit.