[Linked] Corner Store

Hey everyone. I’ve been working on a Corner Store concept for a little while now, and I think it’s polished enough to get some eyes on it.

I’d welcome a review/suggestions, as well as ideas on placement. Top preference would be Sinder Crossing, or anywhere else with some good traffic

Also want to make sure I’m meeting formatting standards and so on, since this would be my first area.

Bunnie Holloway says: “Id love to see a corner store around here personally, they bring a lot of culture with them.”

November Update (11/16):

Thanks to all for the help and advice. Looking forward to seeing people stop by!


Hey, Welcome to the forums Travis ^w^
You may be able to talk with some builders. You could consider placing it in the developing area to the west where there are a few shops popping up.

That would be my second choice, yeah. Big fan of that area and the businesses there.

If I remember correctly, You would need to get in touch with a builder for help placing the store somewhere. You can find them with the blue builder tag on the game ^w^. I haven’t built all too much so this may not be correct but I’m sure that they would be able to point you in the right direction ^w^

Good luck and I can’t wait to visit.

Thanks, man. I’ll get on that later today.

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I think they just added a corner store?

I’d really like to see something like this, a corner shop is something that pretty much every small town would have. I’ve been surprised it’s taken this long for somebody to even suggest one, honestly.

Oh yeah, I see it now. Tally’s Corner Store down at the docks. Not really where I was expecting to find it at all, took quite a while of searching.

Dangit. Beat to the punch.

The area I made has more of a deli/bakery with store attached vibe, so maybe there’s enough room for both?

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Speaking as a New Yorker, Sinder needs more bodega cats.

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I put an ad out at the front. Urgently hiring one once we open.


A$AP Ferg & A$AP Rocky - Cat Mob - YouTube Yes.

Entry ID for reference: #cct0ubm9gbrk70sksssg

I find the navigation a little bit confusing, it’s like you can get to almost everywhere from everywhere else but not quite (you can’t go from the aisles to the exit). Otherwise it’s a nice little area with lots of sexual opportunities.

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Thank you for the feedback!

Would you recommend I add an Aisles>Exit movement, and/or a map to make the layout clearer?

A map is always welcome! But I’d rather get rid of deli to entrance link instead; breaking that diamond. I don’t have a strong opinion on that, though.

Took out deli > entrance link. Does help w/ flow.

Plus makes sure everyone has to go through checkout.

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Maps are hard. :expressionless:

Would appreciate any further advice on having the store linked to Sinder, either on Sinder Crossing, West Sinder Lane, or North Westside Road.

Really proud of the area, and I’d love for it to be part of the world.

Linking this.

Went to ask for status and then finally checked on things myself. The place looks more or less ready to go as best I can see at a cursory glance and it was already more or less ready to go prior.

If there are any additional concerns, we can fix them in post.

Building is approved/linked. :>
Due to the nature of the building, I don’t imagine you’ll be endlessly expanding this location or anything of the sort so nothing to warn on that front.
Please as always be mindful of the Sinder rules due to the area being a bit restrictive compared to the realm rules and if you have any questions, contact anyone on the build team. :>