Hello there! It’s your friendly neighborhood Fox-Avali!
I am writing this suggestion board to give Accipter, and other members of our fine roleplay, as well as for the people who are new to the roleplay as a whole and are visiting the forums to see about the setting and future ideas proposed by the community. I will post these topics once a week, unless otherwise delayed due to IRL circumstances.
Lets set the topics I want to talk about for this week,
- Getting a baseline
- Helping new players
- The locations that should be added
- Funding the website as a whole
Lets start by talking about topic one, Getting a baseline.
Every roleplay starts with at least two people talking to each other, writing their own stories through interaction with other characters. If we wish to be able to properly construct a long lasting, enjoyable, and fun roleplay environment, we will want to make a few minor additions if the codebase allows for it.
The first thing I wanted to talk about in topic one is getting some soft-lore, a term that I believe is used by some other roleplay environments, for instance, one of my first experiences in this server was my character realizing they may not have any money to pay for goods and or services, I was in response told by a character that this is a leisure economy, where its a system where you can take as much as you want, without having to pay in return to my knowledge. A good example of soft-lore that we don’t have is a somewhat standard currency that does not have to be used, but could be used if a player or character wants to maintain that sense of normalcy associated with an economy. However, a great example of soft-lore that we do have is, the yellow train can have incoming, but not outgoing people, as Sinder is a place locked in a unknown reality. Now while I understand that in most cases a roleplay community is defined by the stories its characters make, I want to address that some player and characters may have a difficult time working with minimalized asset and lore. Not all lore has to be set in stone either, a lot of it can be simply malleable.
How we can make this better, is by talking here in the topic thread about suggestions for soft-lore, and coming to community bases agreements of what should, and shouldn’t, be considered official soft lore.
Next up in topic one, is the creation of standard communication platform norms, also known as, creating interfaces that allow users who are being frustrated with someone who isn’t breaking the rules, but is not following common norms, to mute or block, alongside adding a friend function in the future, I don’t know how much work you are able to put into Wolfery on a day to day basis, but we all love it here, and we dearly thank you for your hard work, so doing this might cause less workload for moderators that would end up having to deal with unfortunate situations. Mentions and replies are already in place.
Lastly in topic one is the concept of time, what time period is Wolfery in? What is the date, the hour, the year?.. This would be a fantastic example of just Lore, stuff that is rigid, but can still be changed over time. Maybe asking some people to take up a lore writers position after a small test would be a good idea, a community lore writing contest might be a good proposal as well… A lot of things can happen to better bring the environment together.
Next up is topic two, this is a shorter topic than topic one, but still important. Helping new players. New players are going to be the lifeblood of Wolfery for these next few months, because getting in the potential for new stories, new location proposals, new ideas, and new concepts is crucial to having a fluidly functioning roleplay environment with ton to do, see, and experience…
The thing I wanted to discuss in topic two first, is the potential of making some more greeter bots, as I don’t know how often everyone has the time to use any of the dummy characters, and I don’t know how often the Station Master is online. I know a custom tailored user experience is preferred, so potentially another counter argument idea, would be to have a dedicated ‘Greeter’ Role for some players and characters who wish to help newer players and characters get off their feet and into the world of Wolfery to begin creating new content.
The second thing at hand with topic two is the idea of expanding the tutorial, I saw it being mentioned that a tutorial phase could be a good idea, and I wanted to second that, alongside have an area for introductions for new characters, as not everyone knows how to introduce themselves to new areas well.
Lastly in topic two I wanted to discuss clearer informational panels on certain aspect of roleplay, we might have a couple good examples for the roleplay aspect of characters here on the forums, but perhaps some more interactivity or a potential roleplay mechanics test might be a good idea to help player know where they stand in experience, without discouraging them from partaking to begin with.
Next up again, is topic three, this is one of the more straightforward and bullet pointed topics in my suggestions board for the week. New locations are the lifeblood of innovative roleplay and may inspire people to create their own creations!
Some of the first things I would like to mention is that there are a few particular places I would love to see a form of implemented in the coming months, and I encourage all who read this to steal my ideas and try to make it a reality. They are as follows,
Medical place of some kind, could be a clinic, or a hospital.
Small police station just to make sure that people don’t try to rob or murder everyone they come across, after all, murder hobos are no fun to roleplay with.
Community center, maybe with a basketball court, or some kind of activity center, this one is a particular personal interest of mine.
Getting the town hall operational is probably on the list but I will mention it anyways.
Maybe some public places like more parks, and sports areas.
A museum would be great for learning about the history of Sinder!
A fancy restaurant for people who want to go on fancy dates of course.
Perhaps a small shopping district like a mall or storefront area wouldn’t be a bad idea either.
That’s pretty much all my standard recommendations for in the city.
Finally its time for my last idea, Funding the Website as a whole. Lets be real, if this blows up in a short time frame, I don’t know how Accipiter is going to keep up if they are just one person. That is why I propose some new roles be created, and a fundraising site be used.
Patreon is a fantastic site with very little legal bs to worry about, I personally use it to support a lot of my favorite content creators and artists, and would love to support here as well, and I think a lot of people would agree. Setting up some small role based tiers would be a fantastic idea, and I think that the tiers should go something as follows, the names of said tiers can of course be decided by you!
$1 - Tipper
$5 - Supporter
$10 - Fluffy Supporter
$25 - Extra Fluffy Supporter
$50 - Super Supporter
$100 - Amazing Supporter
No higher than one hundred dollars a month for the highest tier however, as that just encourages a paid enjoyment mindset.
That is pretty much it for this week of Kumi Azai’s Suggestion Board… And I wish you all a lovely wonderful fluffy wolfy day.
P.S - Don’t forget to pet the fox-vali.