Kumi Azai's Suggestion Board [Week 1]

Hi @KumiAzai! And welcome to the forum :smiley:

I have limited time today, but will just reply in short (Post Edit- I lied. It didn’t end up short):

Getting a baseline

World building and lore is really not my thing. These are areas I’d happily leave completely to the community. But I can tell you about my initial thoughts, which we surely can stray from!

This realm (Wolfery) is actually sort of a ‘test realm’, hopefully the first of many. It was purposely given no theme except “furry”.
The background story was meant to be vague. Sort of a “Let’s start here and see where it goes.”
I expect realms to come to be more specific in their themes though.


Due to this vagueness, I have imagined someone paying with coins at the inn, credit card by the kiosk, or by trade at the nimbat village. An official currency? Sure. As said, I’d happily leave this in other hands.

Time and seasons

How I’ve imagined time and seasons is that, those things are locked to the reality fragments. While time moves within a fragment (eg. Station Park, which happens to be a fragment of its own), it allows folks to move and act in there. But what is outside, like the sky and the weather, is just a mere ‘memory’ attached to that fragment, locked in place.
In previous roleplay, the boss wolf (me!) has found ways to detach some of these fragment ‘memories’, and reattach at a different ‘memory’. He did this during Christmas when we had snow in the park.

This sort of lore detaches the world’s time with RL time. And it allows one area to be permanently night, another locked at sunset, and a third to have actual moving time (once I allow LUA scripting to let you script rooms changing descriptions based on time).

Helping players

I actually have plans of adding a helper role, and a help request system that works in a similar way like the moderators’ report system. Helpers would see if someone has requested some help, maybe with commands or with some building issue. This sort of thing would offload me, as currently all requests to create exits into Sinder ends up in my Request inbox.

About greeting newcomers, I still believe in Tom for this!
Tom Greyback is a puppet that helpers can take turns and use. As @Talon mentioned, many got intimidated when Tom actively greeted them. But I got better response when being more passive (Tom nods in sleepy greeting from his bench.), only acting if someone asked for help or started RP’ing themselves.
Unfortunately, few has shared this task (basically only me and Talon). We would need more Tom helpers.

And with some tutorial system inside the train, allowing players to first try out commands before having to interact with Tom, I think the first experience with the station master can be improved!

Locations to add

Go ahead community! I leave this to others. :smiley:


To be honest, my dream is to be able to work on this full time. That would be awesome!
I actually have a supporter role already in place. And it comes with a few perks as well, including a blue supporter title tag.

No one has this role yet, however :sweat_smile: . Not because no one wants to support, but because no one is able to at the moment!

My future plans include of some sort of supporter subscription.

But I must honestly admit that the game, ever since launch, has started to eat out quite a bit of time from my normal paid work that I do. And this is a bit problematic.

And… well… I do have some patreon similar thing already (or rather, my Github Sponsor). Not for Wolfery, but rather for resgate.io , the open source real-time API gateway project that this whole game is built upon.

Maybe, that is something to use if people wish to help out before the ‘real’ subscription system is in place?
But that would go to me as a person, while later I guess it will go to the Mucklet company of mine, which I use to pay for servers and such.

A supporter role for anyone with at $10 recurring pledge…? That might be one way meanwhile.

Okay… that was not short.
