I have a Question for everyone here, if you don’t wish to answer you do not have to this is just this is just to get the question out there, how many people actually read the Area About and the Area Rules?
I have encountered many people In the North Pole area, the City of Linseria to be exact tat have not read the Area about, and think it is cold in the city, that is my example of why I ask this question.
I haven’t for every place I’ve been to, but I usually do if I plan on spending a lot of time there or checking to see what’s allowed before getting too wild and crazy.
I would say that as a rule people are more likely to go directly off of the room description for things like environmental factors. If there are rule violations occurring, then the responsibility of players to know the rules comes into play, but for in character information It’s a bit difficult to hold people accountable. I will freely admit that I do usually scan the area about and rules, but I don’t really take detailed observations away from that for in character things- It’s more a quick look to get an idea of the vibe and restrictions.
I think it would be difficult to enforce something low stakes like scene work for the same mechanism as responsibility for not being ignorant of the rules.
TLDR; rural violations are not excusable by ignorance of the rules, but OOC info is usually read differently from IC
In my experience, a little of column A, a little of column B.
I don’t have much issue with rule-breaking in Do’nezo but it’s also exactly what you see on the tin when you teleport in: a fantasy desert kingdom. It’s hot. There’s violence. You can probably buy shawarma and get laid.
I put the specifics there for people who want to get really into the zone and design plotlines based around it (I still have to fetch that mage, Alexander).
I always try to read everything, if not immediately, between poses and such. Sometimes when teleporting and following, I might miss some context around that area.
When it comes to ooc, I consider that the ‘rules’. I’m not sure I’d tell on anyone (unless it was harming someone’s consent), but I make sure I follow what’s outlined there.
The in-character text I try to follow so that we’re all experiencing the same thing. I consider it cannon. If people changed a few things for a scene, I’d probably roll with it, but the next time I’m around, I’d assume the description is still the reality.
I only look at the picture for vibes - I don’t assume too much from it. Maybe I’m just used to all-text, so I consider the text pretty important.
Some of this is in the tabs, so perhaps I miss things, especially when others are describing stuff in their own poses about what things feel like or what they are around. I am usually focusing on my RP partners. I’m pretty likely to be pretty lenient on what others want. But all the text having to do with a scene is important, though, including what’s already there. I definitely prefer to be well informed about where I am and what the expectations there are - most importantly ooc - because that extends beyond our own RP scene.