Issue logging in - VPN/TOR?

I get ‘access denied’ when trying to log in. I use a VPN and tor browser due to living in Russia. Was I banned? Is there a server issue?

I didn’t get any messages or emails regarding this. Not my best first impression coming from TAPS =\

I doubt it is a vpn issue because I use my own whenever I’m out of the house (because my provider just doesn’t have connection in my city for whatever reason).


can I ask which one you use?

Some random one called x-vpn, I’m not quite sure it’ll be available for you but there’s always a chance I suppose?

Hi an welcome!

There is no block on VPN or similar. Not sure how WebSockets (which Wolfery makes heavy use of) would work over TOR though.

If an IP is blocked due to a previous ban, the error message would say so.

Where do you see the “Access denied” error? In the browser console, or somewhere in app?

I can log in to Wolfery, it just gives me a message dead center of the screen ‘Access denied’ with no further messages after it ‘logs in’. No issue with the forums.

I was up til about 12 one night, logged out fine, next morning this error messsage. I get it no matter what VPN server I use, tor or no tor.

That’s really odd, the only time I’ve had something like that it usually clears up after I hard reset my internet app on my mobile devices and it works fine after a bit.

It can definitely get frustrating at times, and I don’t know what really causes it. :confused:

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The error (and where you get it) seems to indicate that the credentials (the access token) is not sent by the browser when the WebSocket connection when that one is established.

Technically, this happens:

  1. The client sends a request to to verify that you are logged in, and redirects to the login on failure.
  2. On success, the client connects with WebSocket to wss:// to get the information.
  3. The client tries to fetch information over the WebSocket.

The step that gives Access denied is step 3, probably because step 2 didn’t include the cookies containing the credentials.

What browser and browser settings are you using?

TOR. I get the same issue with Firefox, it doesn’t matter. If I create a new account I can log in but otherwise, Access denied =\